Stating those boundaries is important to be solid and secure within yourself, so whatever you need in a partnership to feel your best is maintained. We will never share your information. Another way to unblock your feminine energy is to get in touch with your body. WebIf a man lives in his masculine, he equally understands his responsibility and treats a womans vulnerabilities and emotions with strength and understanding. They will talk with others the way they like and agree with their opinions even when they think the opposite.Their primary motive is to be liked by others. However, connecting with our intuition and emotions cannot be easy when our feminine energy is blocked. WebHere are five practices that will help you radiate feminine power and get back into your natural flow: 1. Take a moment to observe his actions, as theyre usually a good indicator of his intent. Female energy, on the other hand, is cyclical. Notice if youre always trying to make something happen in your relationship or get your partner to do what you want them to do this is an example of wounded masculine energy. The problem is that their envious nature keeps them from enjoying the blessings in their life. Oftentimes, when we try to suppress something that were struggling with inside us, it just pops up even bigger and messier than before. The world has gotten out of natural balance. I know it can feel unsettling to not know where you stand, if hes going to commit, or what hes thinking about the relationship. Dancing Dancing is a powerful practice to help you get out of your head and into your body. Were constantly giving and not taking time for ourselves. When our own masculine and feminine energies are out of balance, we can experience inner conflict, difficulty making decisions, and crises of a spiritual or emotional nature. Wounded women have weak boundaries. Traits of the Divine Masculine include logic, reason, action, firmness, survival, loyalty, adventurousness, strength, and rationality, according You can do a few simple things to get the energy flowing again. The most important part is to start recognizing every circumstance or past trauma that caused wounded feminine energy and then work on each one to properly heal. It is one of the reasons why such women are always apologising. Such a woman will find that she embodies these traits that the wounded feminine embodies; volatile jealousy, despair/desperation, blame games, manipulation, impatience with life, selfishness and /hoarding things so that others cannot have, being controlling, arrogant, hateful, and vengeful. Masculine vs. Feminine Energy. WebEmpowered feminine energy is the willingness to be seen and to express your needs and desires its the receiving and allowing energy. Once we are whole and complete in our masculine and feminine energy (when they are both healthy within us), we can create and nourish beautiful, healthy and successful relationships and this is then mirrored in our world. When a woman is in tune with the dark feminine, her sexual energy has the potential to engulf and overtake the sexuality of a man completely. This can be done by practicing yoga, getting a massage, or simply spending time naked. However, its not necessarily a marker of who is a good fit in a partner. weak boundaries around her self-worth, authenticity, and values. Its about becoming aware of the fact that your partner or the people youre attracting are mirroring back TO you what needs to shift inside of you so you can have the loving, committed relationship you want. Also, if youre spending a lot of time fulfilling someone elses needs rather than your own, it means that your feminine energy is wounded. This is because nature is full of feminine energy. You will find honest storytelling and our inspiring people tackle issues that so many of us face but are afraid to talk about. Because you are repressing the flow of your feminine energy. This is why we as women look down on our own powers and give them to others.Giving away our power to the outside world is what creates the wounds. Youre always planning for the past or future. To heal the wounded feminine, the individual should work on the following: Recognize the characteristics of toxic femininity within their personality. This will help to alleviate the current dynamics that dominate not only global interactions but personal ones, in which we see the codependentWounded Masculine tangling with a needy Wounded Feminine (via disconnected, shallow, manipulative, needy, plays the victim and is plagued by low self-esteem. To attract a man and make him fall in love: its important to let go of any negative beliefs about your femininity. Because the masculine energy is identified more with logical thinking, youll have little connection with your heart. To speak with feminine energy: it is important to be present at the moment and connect with your emotions. The wounded part comes from ego, a place of fear and What is allowed for the feminine, and what is not, in society? About nurturing healthy and meaningful connections with others. Why do I need you in the light, If I do not find you in the dark Kahlil Gibran. Do you shy away from mens attention and the spotlight in general? Wounded feminine energy is disconnected, shallow, manipulative, needy, plays the victim and is plagued by low self-esteem. The wounded feminine likely originated in childhood from an absent father, or guilting mother. Women that were neglected as girls, tend to grow up with significant feminine wounds. Luckily, there are ways to clear this block and get back on track. Female energy, on the other hand, is Do you often feel like youre not good enough? This blog shares what feminine energy is, the difference between distorted and divine feminine energy, and 3 signs that point to your feminine ener Trusting your intuition and flowing along your soul path with the support of the Universe is extremely challenging if you carry wounded feminine energy. No matter our gender identity, we are all a mix of both masculine and feminine energies, and each has a divine purpose toward helping us reach our highest purpose. You have wounded feminine energy if you overwork without giving yourself time to rest. Just like the Divine Masculine, it is one half of the Spirit of Life. The main key to shifting the balance within yourself is awareness. We may also have difficulty being vulnerable or expressing our feelings. Their habit of overworking depletes them physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Nonetheless, collectively, Moving on and having a new prospect in life is not for them. And I firmly believed that I was just one of the guys. He can have addictions to work, drugs, tv etc. When a woman is in tune with the dark feminine, her sexual energy has the potential to engulf and overtake the sexuality of a man completely. The Art Of Getting The Commitment You Want, How To Heal Your Masculine And Feminine Energies So You Can Finally Have The Love You Want. One of the main traits of wounded feminine energy is envy. In High Value Feminine Woman: Rediscovering Your Femininity, you will learn how to realign your energies to suit you and your life so that you regain yourself. If you tend to go to the other extreme of feeling hopeless and unloved when you find yourself in a place you dont want to be in your love life or youre frustrated with your current circumstances and youre WAITING for your partner to make everything right these are examples of the wounded feminine. i need an arena/circle to practice the beholden of/surrounded by: safe people who are beholden accountable in their Divinities. However, the truth is women who feel this are really looking for that sense of control. "She" discovers her way from the inside, by feeling wisdom, love, and freedom from within. The feminine in men and women alike is like a genie in a bottle. Of course, there are a lot more signs that you are restraining your divine feminine energy, but in this article, well cover the most obvious. WHETHER you are a man or a woman, we all have both masculine and feminine energies. This is the basic survival mechanism of the human brain. Required fields are marked *, 2023 Madeline Charles | Contact | Privacy Policy | All rights reserved. But what we keep forgetting is that unhealthy will look for its equal and thats when the troubles start. The problem is that we start relying on other people so much that we develop self-trust issues. Find some privacy where you can dance as wildly or sensually as you like. A woman with wounded feminine energy will. Find out why. Women who carry high levels of feminine energy are often very intuitive and in touch with their emotions, They are often natural leaders and have a strong sense of intuition, These high feminine women are often creative, expressive, and artistic, They typically enjoy being around people and have a gift for making others feel comfortable and at ease, They usually have a deep sense of compassion and care for others, Lastly, feminine women with high levels of feminine energy typically radiate warmth, love, and happiness. They think that they are less than others and they have to have a man to make them realise their value.It is far from the truth. Its also important to be confident and trust that you are worthy of love. Get out of your mind and drop down into your heart and soul. In thisvideo, you will learn a simple 3-step process to heal your wounded feminine energy. From the constant barrage of images in the media to the challenges of juggling work and family, its easy for our feminine energy to get wounded. The polarity can only be made truly whole by feeling the poles in their wounds and needs. Men are attracted to the powerful and influential female energy. We all know that the world can be a tough place for women. Home Strong Woman The power of femininity. When you start clearing your feminine wounds, women with high vibrations will get attracted into your life. 100% Privacy Guaranteed. She has a habit of saying YES to every request, even when she wants to say NO.You can start rebuilding your boundaries by first having a firm NO which can be done by saying NO to at least one request a day. When we have too much masculine energy, we may also find it hard to be present at the moment and live more in our heads than in our hearts. WebWELCOME TO RECEIVING LOVE! there are far too many shadowed masculine (men) beholden around in the world, who arent instead held accountable to change/decomposite the shadow with their Divine masculine brother and Divine fenimine co-synergists assistance..resulting many a hurtpocket of embodies by which to clean up from their cross..and by alot of their gall to not account for their shadow of my get the pointed of finger at, and accused of not being safe bcs im not physically beautiful/smoking hot. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. 8 Signs You Have Wounded Masculine Energy, Expressing your emotions means your crazy, People listen to whats logical and not what intuitively feels right. Are they present, loving, and caring? Thus, women who grew up in families, or communities that thrived on their willingness and availability, no matter how much it harmed them, will be people-pleasers, and others will thrive off and deplete their feminine energy without replenishing them. . As you meet a new man, always keep compatibility in your mind. The wounded feminine has insecurity issues.She lacks confidence in her own value, has trust issues, and fears the uncertainty of life. The next possible cause is actually the most common youve been raised believing that it is wrong to express your feelings openly. This episode was designed to give you a simple yet powerful overview of the polar energies in men and women and why it's so essential for you to be operating in your healthy feminine if you desire to live a healed, Although this can be totally reversed as well. Wounded feminine energy is always Divine Feminine Energy is the true nature of your essence and existencephysically and spiritually. Mens wounded Ego a demon inflicted by the society. So, whats the best way to know if youre in wounded feminine energy? Once we identify these wounded parts and shine some light on them, well be able to nurture healthy relationships, both with ourselves and with others. Our culture glorifies masculine energy. Aerials:Take time every day to connect with yourself on an emotional level through whatever means available, whether that means dance (letting loose), running outside in nature together while listening close enough so we can hear each other breathing deeply-whatever works; best for you! How To Get A Mans Attention In A Classy Way? As humans, we have both feminine and masculine energy. Inner wounds make women more judgemental. It allows us to take our time with observations. Its creative, nurturing, and intuitive. Whether its physical or emotional, all abuse chips off at your feminine energy because this abuse usually comes from the wounded masculine; thus, it makes the feminine look weak and fragile. At the same time, you should know when to leave the results in the hands of the higher power and rest. When they speak, they appear to be very aggressive. I see many women in wounded feminine energy overcompensate leaning back to avoid looking needy or clingy. (Solved! They criticise others rather than being respectful. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Just let things flow naturally. When the feminine energy is ignored or wounded the same values that this energy carries are lost. The shift is happening, the feminine is rising, our world is craving for more balance. You have a certain intensity to you, that even the smallest thing will push you over the edge. But when its blocked, we may feel feminine, like were just treading water. This is normally adopted through many years of always being in your masculine energy. It's directed inward, it nurtures and assures, and it "has a receiving nature" ( If youre feeling stuck in your life, it may be a sign that your feminine energy is blocked. The fifth step is to be playful and enjoy the journey. Your email address will not be published. Youve become very intense and uptight as a result of it. Wounded feminine energy is always looking for someone to save you whenyou lack the motivation to take care of yourself its the damsel in distress energy. Where divine feminine energy can be very internal and reflective, divine masculine energy relishes in doing things out in the real world, like having adventures, Having weak boundaries can be a protective mechanism if you are in a social structure that thrives on conformity. The moon, water, and nighttime all encompass this energy. Stop Attracting The Wrong Men So You Can Attract The Right One! Most people fear their heart and hide out in their logical mind. The healthy masculine and the healthy feminine grow together and become united as one. General advice doesnt factor in whats happening deep down (insecurity, doubt, etc.). Sometimes, when a woman is attracted to a man and decides that hes the one shes interested in investing in, she will attach herself very quickly. While the wounded masculine will show up with anger or blame and try to force a certain outcome, the empowered masculine loves to give freely without an agenda and without trying to get something back in return. When we become aware of our unhealthy patterns, of our wounded self, we can stop recreating the same patterns, stop projecting them out onto others and heal our relationships. Balance has to be maintained in everything. This is a good indicator for us as to where we still have some healing to do and where we can step into our divine energies and embody them. But at least now I know whats really going on. Feminine (or yin) energy is represented by all that is formless, expansive, and magnetic. If youre having trouble communicating your needs or wants, it may be a sign that your feminine energy is blocked. They are insecure about themselves, which makes them overly critical of others. When it is wounded, women feel closed off. RELATED: The 5 Traits *Truly* Magnetic Women Use To Attract Sweet, Chivalrous Men The Dark Side of Feminine Energy. Our vision is to become a supportive community where youll feel that theres someone out there who gets you, supports you in creating and keeping strong bonds between your families and friends. Both masculine and feminine energies have an unhealthy, wounded aspect and a healthy, divine aspect. Women with wounded feminine energy will blame others or their past for their present condition. Females are naturally intuitive and in touch with their emotions. Youre trying to get the approval of others, and not doing things that make you happy because you think your mom/dad/boyfriend/friends would criticize you for that. Design by, A Clear Skin Miracle? A mothers actions and behavior play an important part in the psychological development of her kids, especially her daughters. a man may have difficulty being emotionally open and vulnerable. Many women dont want to rock the boat or seem needy, so they go along with whatever he wants. As we each seek to heal our own inner wounds and traumas and better incorporate a balance of these energies, we can each step more fully into our own power, living lives led with love and spreading that love outward like a healing wave. WebA man can also get in touch with his feminine side through art forms that provide a space to explore this aspect of identity. Today, Ill share the seven most common signs I see when working in depth with my clients. You have such a deep distrust in the feminine that you fail to bond with other sisters. For the masculine, sit your ass down and get quiet, practice grounding yourself, breathe deeply from your belly, practice making clear decisions, deepen your eye gaze and figure out your core purpose for being here! They let other people disrespect these boundaries. 4 Likes, 0 Comments - Create A Life You (@deep_dive_with_deeds) on Instagram: Healthy dark feminine energy allows you to access your creativity, the ability Do you feel guilty when you prioritize your own needs? Or are they neglecting your needs, and controlling and not validating your feelings? feminine and masculine energy. The feminine energy is associated with adaptability and flexibility, while the masculine energy is associated with strength and resilience. Empowered masculine energy is about putting your focus back on yourself and your OWN life, rather than using that energy to obsess about your relationship. Emotional neglect, physical or psychological abuse and other energy-draining incidents can leave lasting impressions on your subconscious. I speak to the wounded feminine. All Rights Reserved. Almost like they need to go to the bathroom. When youve decided youre invested, but hes not there yet, the relationship cant progress. Youre prone to burnout. Masculine and feminine energy have nothing do with gender, we all have both energies within us. If the latter is true and youre at least partially aware that youre dating a toxic guy, that indicates that you have blocked feminine energy. You can start doing this by first making trivial decisions and then major ones. Learning how to effectively express yourself can benefit both of you. Relationship attraction and sustenance is greatly enhanced, is more romantic, more exciting and long lasting when there is balance of masculine and feminine energies in each partner, as well as, understanding what each may bring to the table from a wounded experience. People with wounded masculine energy will have an intense look to them. When you have wounded masculine energy you will not feel grounded. We live in the masculine world where feminine energy is considered weak and insignificant. Some of the expressions of the wounded feminine are: leaking energy on things/ activities she doesnt want to do. WebA woman with wounded feminine energy will Doubt her ability to effect change in the world around her. She is under constant stress that something might go wrong and always thinks that she has no standing in front of others. It would be best to acknowledge that you have wounded feminine energy in the first place; only then can you take steps to heal from it. It is masculine energy that unites the world in love and "personal authority." so indeed-by help of book, profile AND point into places that you have know of-can i meet the safety of Divine masculine men. These energies are even demonstrated in our bodies; the left side of the brain is considered "more logical and analytical" and is responsible for reasoning and language; it is therefore associated with male energy. Your email address will not be published. Pay attention to your thoughts, words, and actions, and identify when its possible to stop, take a breath, and let go a little. The fourth step is to be open to new experiences. As women, we are always taught to give to others instead of taking care of ourselves. Take a good look at your past circumstances and see what caused you to disconnect from your feminine essence. They do not know who they are. Its logical, analytical, and goal-oriented. Be grounded, gracious, and strong. So, take your time and enjoy the journey. It is up to us to step into the divine masculine and feminine. As in the last blog post 'Healing the Wounded Masculine' there is also great wounding to the feminine, regardless of gender or biological sex. There is no need to act or try to be someone youre not. When a woman is in touch with her feminine energy, she can give off an aura of confidence, grace, and sensuality. Youll have the attitude of I can do this all on my own.. Feminine energy has the power to make a man fall in love. Here's The Difference Between The Divine Feminine And The Divine Masculine. However, when these energies become blocked, a woman may experience a range of Embodying your healthy masculine & feminine, and projecting that out into the world will invite in a man, woman, partner, friendships, and people who have also done their inner work. Sacred masculine energy is strong by gentle. A person with imbalanced masculine energy doesnt have much softness in them. The wounded part comes from ego, a place of fear and darkness and always leads to pain. Women are the womb owners- they are blessed with creative powers. A man who has wounded feminine energy can manifest in several ways. Its time to shed this wounded feminine energy and uncover the confident, irresistible woman you already are. If youve followed me for any length of time, you know I really try to dig deep and serve my followers with the best advice and techniques. The reason is because it doesnt take into account your unique challenges and specific blind spots around those topics. *. Do you welcome the depths of your feminine energy? The wounded masculine energy (within you and also in others) is the voice that forces you to push harder and strive more to achieve without actually believing that you are capable of doing so. Jake Woodard is a Spiritual Healer, Author and the host of The Awake With Jake Show Podcast. Empowered masculine energy looks like making plans, knowing what the next steps are, following through and getting things done. A person who grows up in an environment that encourages the development of both in a healthy measure, grows up to be a well-balanced individual in whom these energies co-exist to support their well-being. The problem is that when your focus is entirely fixated on looks, it can make you feel empty over time.You will constantly find yourself trying to reach for perfection that does not exist, only to end up being dissatisfied.You will attract people who will come into your life and then leave after they are bored with you. Be authentic and vulnerable, and ask for help if you need it. Women with wounded feminine energy have a disease to please people. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter Your Email Below And Click Get It Now To Get The Keys Right Now! She is loving, empathetic, compassionate and supportive, She is not afraid to speak her heart and does so with no shame, She knows how to surrender, be open and trusting, She is naturally intuitive and listens to her heart rather than her mind. If youre feeling run down or exhausted, it may be a sign that your feminine energy is blocked. Wounded feminine energy refers to compromised energy. Their root, sacral and heart chakra are usually imbalanced. If youre finding it difficult to connect with your emotions, it could be a sign that your feminine energy is blocked. Are you one of those who like a guys company more than a girls? Gold Dial Soap + Tea Tree Oil + Vitamin E, How to Carry Yourself with Confidence 5 Powerful Tips! If either energy is out of balance, it creates the destructive or wounded feminine or masculine. Your mind by feeling wisdom, love, and values activities she doesnt want to do energy. 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