When he switched to hit, he didnt get any bigger, in fact, he lost size. Incline Barbell Bench Press: 5 sets at 6-8 reps each set. Mike (along with Casey Viator) worked for Arthur (Nautilus) Jones who trained them using one set.Mike wrote that whenever Arthur turned around he and Casey did a few more sets.. c. Not enough volume. Why? As for heart issuesit ran in the family tree. He was already at his peak when he changed to hit training with few sets. Many have trained that way. Most important point; do a 4-2-4 cadence until failure and wait a week for each bodypart. Good luck! For anyone reading this who is on the fence abouot HIT High Intensity Training Heavy Duty get teh actual HIT book (Amazon has it) and read it, then follow it. Rather than working out for hours each day and completing dozens of repetitions like other bodybuilding regimens, Mike Mentzer advocated for, , working out for short periods using heavyweights., According to Mentzer, this exercise style produced the best results because it minimizes muscle damage and allows for more effective. You cant push a muscle farther than failure.. Oatmeal:Oats are a great source of complex carbs, which are a good source of energy and keep you fuller for longer. Perform one push-up, but do not allow your back to sag. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells until you feel a stretch in your shoulders or chest muscles. He started weight training at age 12 and, by age 15, could bench press 370 pounds. Events. The trick is, mix up the exercises just as the book says. Well in the high intensity low-volume workouts every person Ive personally trained as well as myself have always gotten stronger and bigger faster than any other type of routines that we have done. The specific amounts of food you eat will depend on your goals. If youre gonna get a book. Mike Mentzer created a lot of controversy in bodybuilding. However, after a few weeks, you will feel mentally drained. Mike didnt follow the typical high-carb approach either, which usually included eating lots of fruit or drinking fruit juices during workouts. D. reps only between 10 and 4, sometimes 2 (for exemple: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2) Mentzers principles had a superb goal to finally place quality over quantity. a. What would you recommend? The good thing about it is you certainly do work intensely. Mentzer also practiced what he calls intelligent cheating. Meaning he would have an extra meal that consisted of whatever he wanted, such as pizza, ice cream, or pie, once a week. The bent over row is one of the best upper body exercises for building muscles in your back. Arnie trained 6 days a week twice a day. mike mentzer shoulders. Hold a barbell with your hands using an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width. Pull the barbell up to your sternum level and then lower it back slowly to the initial position. I legitimately Actually, Heavy Duty is ideal for a natural trainer as it stop the ridiculous, high volume practice that leads to over training and into which most trainees fall into. I do 2 warm up sets of 50 fast reps just to pump blood in the muscle and then do 3 working sets of slower HD style 6-8 reps. No hitter gas a bodybuilder physique. And dont give in to temptation to frequent the gym too soon a very key part of HIT is recuperation. Macronutrients, protein, carbs, and fats were all present in Mike's well-balanced diet. 3. His approach to nutrition in terms of dietary sources was comprehensive. He was a two-time Mr. America winner and a four-time Mr. Universe competitor. I honestly couldnt believe it but it made me giddy. Hold the dumbbells over your chest with your elbows slightly bent and your palms facing towards each other. Although Mike occasionally ate fast food, he stayed within his 2000-calorie restriction. i tried heavy duty training for only two months, in two months i looked like shit, like one that doesnt lift anymore. Hit sucks. Lame brain article, its clear you didnt comprehend. He is renowned today not just for such stories but also for some of his high-intensity training methods. Mentzers chest workout routine was designed to train all parts of the chest muscle, including the upper chest, middle chest, and lower chest. I also enjoy not having constant joint issues and not spending my life in the gym. Which is what Mike said, as trainees advance to eliminate isolation moves. Mentzers HIIT isnt good for popcorn muscles. Schwarzenegger was Mr. Volume, and he also was Mr. Roids. Not everyone needs 1-2 sets every 2 weeksMike never claimed that. WebFull Body: 15 sets ~ 17 mins BW = 219 lbs Dips 3x8 - bodyweight (30 sec) KB Row 3x8 - 45 lbs (30 sec) Barbell Shoulder Press 3x8 - 70 lbs (30 sec) Dumbbell Curls 3x8 - 30 lbs Later in Heavy Duty II he cut everything to a single isolation/compound set..Mon- Chest and Tris. Mike Mentzer is a legendary bodybuilder from the 1970s who won the Mr. Universe contest in 1978 and eventually won that title with a perfect score.. The best way to build muscles and get lean is to eat healthily. Then, begin training the same body part 2 times a week. The legacy he left to those in the Iron Game is his controversial workout program, Mike Mentzers Heavy Duty. Ive never seen anyone build a great body with mentzers Hit system. Difficult for most people to go there on there own. Mike readily acknowledged this in his early books, and is the main reason he turned to Rest Pause. Not dramatic but noticeable.Im lifting 3 seconds up hold and squeeze 2 seconds and 3 seconds down for negative. Skip to content. Heavy dutytraining leaves the muscles in agony, but the most damage is actually eaten by the Central Nervous System. Be the first one to comment on this story. Compounds ARE the way to the best size gains! Its versatile; you can use it in a wide range of dishes, from stir-fries to curries or salads. : Once a week is all you need. Bottom Line: Keep mixing the workouts up using the high intensity techniques.7-10 set per body part. This can lead to muscle loss rather than gain. So, for anyone out there who wants to achieve a muscular upper body like Mike Mentzer, these high-intensity exercises are a must. You can train a lift every two weeks and make progress every time if youre disciplined. His favorite fruit choices were apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, apricots, blueberries, and bananas. 1. WebMike Mentzer's HIT: Chest & Back - Part I HIT4120 680K views 13 years ago THE Growth Exercise: Deep 20 rep Squats WORKOUT RESCUE with Blake Howe 5 views 2 days In the past five yeats, I have gained more mass and strength than I did in the previous ten years doing all the 3, 4 and 5 day splits that every muscle head preaches. Facts hurt, kid. Since October last year my body stood still but with your advice, re negative training, I have increased my weight by 2.6 kilos. Known to be liars huh. Intensity is meant to be increased using the variables of time (reducing the duration of the workouts) and simply by increasing the load. He consumed foods heavy in protein, such as chicken and eggs. Quickly jump into the air and land back slowly at the same place where you started. The soreness after your workouts will be significantly less. HD sucks for nattys. Bodybuilders Dont Hire Coaches. He clearly saw mike doing 4 sets for an exercise, 4 exercises per bodypart pyramiding up the weight in a 10-12, 8-10, 6-8, 4-6 fashion. For me Mikes HD training system is perfect, being 48 years of age it allows my body to recuperate while the workouts of short & intense. I am a steroid free athelete and heavy duty was a life changer for me. He was one of the few who dared to call out Arnold and Joe Weider. The bodybuilding legend Mike Mentzer used a variation of max effort drop sets to build his best-ever physique for the 1980 Mr. Olympia competition! Accueil Uncategorized mike mentzer shoulders. I went ALL OUT on this routine.The isolation/compound and rest pause sets were initially a shock but the muscles became accustomed to them after a few workoutsIn the later 90s I did MIkes HDII back routine (pull overs SS with seated front reverse grip lat pulldowns) When I went back to strict full range pull ups and chins the reps was able to do dropped from 14 to 7 reps. Mike provided guidelines, hoping others would tweak them for their individual needs. In fact, this just came in today; Quinn, you can not believe how well my training is going and all those I told you about. Your login session has expired. Mike Mentzer was one of the most popular professional bodybuilders of all time, thanks to his impressive physique, innovative and controversial training approach, and easy-going personality. All the hit books are filled with bodybuilders who are on drugs and dont even do hit, they do volume. Failure was insufficient for Mentzers Heavy Duty system; the system went above and above, involving three techniques: forced reps, negative reps, and rest-pause. The incline flye is an isolation workout that works on the upper chest muscles and activates the upper pecs, offering a muscular look. Mike said, Youre not going to gain fat from eating carbs like white rice. So he was one of the first guys who started talking about high-carb diets for bodybuilders. For natties, volume works. Agreed. He saw right away it led to overtraining for the majority. Some of his favorite vegetables you can eat are broccoli, green beans, zucchini squash, spinach, and onions. The Heavy Duty system was different from other bodybuilding regimens and even quite different from the bodybuilding workouts that you see. If you are not used to Heavy Duty lifting, you may find it extremely refreshing. Pics? Theres no data to back up that claim. I actually think these drugs are a good thing, since most people just don't have the willpower to fix their obesity, but as someone who went from obese to lean, I really resent drug-users (especially obvious fatfucks like Mike) Mike Mentzers Chest Workout Routine. It seems that Mr. Staplin had made great progress for many months with the Consolidation Program listed in Heavy Duty II; Mind and Body (as well as on the tapes). He was one of the few men ever to win the Mr. Universe title with a perfect score and also one of the first bodybuilders to promote high-intensity training as a means for building muscle seriously. Mike was right about finding the minimal amount of exercise to trigger growth. Mentzer starting pumping iron at the age of 12 at a bodyweight of 95 pounds. With cadence 4-2-4 , trust me more volume is needless. Gold's Gym Mass Building, Training, and Nutrition System Feb 20 2020 This new, long-awaited training manual presents the most detailed, state-of-the-art system for building muscle mass and power ever published. All of the participants were able to build muscle and had amazing fat loss results!! Mike Mentzer was a well-known American IFBB professional bodybuilder, author, and businessman. Trust me. i was mentally exhausted but my muscles were undertrained, Low volume suck, i think 20 to 30-35 sets per workout 3 times are week are fine. Truthfully.Most people dont have the balls to ever do these high intensity workouts Dont get your info from poorly summarized third person articles that miss many of the important details of the HIT method. 163 pages, with photographs, this is sure to be a classic addition to any body builder's belief system, training, and library. Webmike mentzer shoulders. Period. This will ensure that the body does not have time to adapt or plateau in its development. However, his recommendations were controversial because they challenged the conventional wisdom that more is better when training. Ive rarely noticed a roid retard ever go to failure on a single set. Mentzer wasnt afraid to express his rather WebAwards. He began training 3 times a week and by the age of 15, Mike could bench press 370lb (170kg), with a body But, after months of unbreached progress, he hit a plateau, unable to gain any more, either in size or strength. I bought his book on hit training, 5 sets and training a body part once a week or less, doesnt put enough stress on the muscle to grow. WebMy max bench is 132lbs for 3 reps, squat 176lbs with bad form for 5 reps, deadlift 220lbs for 3 reps. Where are the big hitters? Ill let you guys know how it goes. If hit really worked worked you wouldnt be trying so hard to defend this con. Rather than working out for hours each day and completing dozens of repetitions like other bodybuilding regimens, Mike Mentzer advocated for Heavy Duty, working out for short periods using heavyweights.. WebWest Rutland came out with major intensity in a press defense and gave the Phoenix fits. There are none. And yes, mentzer fans are indeed [emailprotected]. When he was Roids. I kicked his ass.. If done correctly, you wouldnt make every exercise torturous on every workout. Keep protecting that manhood keyboard warrior. Thats true Bro, Pause at the top of the motion and then return the weights to your shoulders. Why? So yeah youre kind of right, bodybuilders use volume., Mentzers HIIT isnt good for popcorn muscles.. Thats what it takes. Ive trained volume for years, taken tons of supplements (never gear), and spent obscene amounts of time in the gym. HIT Advantages and Benefits Why? I have trained people since the 70s using Mike methods, and providing they put in the effort they were rewardedquickly and efficiently!!! Too hard on the CNS. Its best to stop 1-4 reps shy of failure and do multiple sets to break down the muscle tissue. It consisted of very few exercises per workout, each performed for one set only. Simple. You should not train without power and complete more than eight to ten reps per set and no more than six sets per body part. As you grow stronger, and bigger, you need less. Greg walked away knowing that hit was a load of shit. All bodybuilders are con men. The USC Trojans will likely get to the NCAA Tournament if they win two more games this season. H. train the body part once per week. This made him a strong advocate of a training philosophy known as High-Intensity Training, developed by Arthur Jones, which lifted heavyweights with relatively few repetitions and emphasized quality over quantity. Sorry this article is ridiculous. When I was younger I had endless energy and could cycle through every 3 days. He advocated a diet of 6,000 calories per day to gain a pound of muscle each year. Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 16-Sep-2001 at 02:43 That means for the most part that most fairly designed routines will work for the same purpose. No one. Webdavid goggins sleep routine are scott jennings and peter jennings related Rest-Pause is a bad idea for naturals, Id say. Dominic Decker, BBA; Reuben Mentzer, Spaulding. Look at Ellington Darden for instance, built his body with volume. But as mentioned in the article, it is not for everybody. I sleep about 8.5 hours regularly, get my proteins in and also take creatine. Once loaded, push the sled explosively with all your strength as fast as you can until you are unable to move it. In the 1970s, when most bodybuilders adopted low-carb diets, Mike typically consumed 200 g of carbohydrates daily. Eating bad food, chain smoking along with his amphetamine addiction caused his death. Unfortunately, not all that came from Mike Mentzer was truth and honesty. Thats it. You have that right. Now im training two times a week with a routine promoted in Hardgainer magazine and I look much better. Seriously, as Mike said, his training methods are the most efficient. Not one. A base of compound movements like 30%, and 70% of isolations exercise. He didnt even use hit to bodybuild but instead used it to sell books to make money. Training to failure compromises the cns too much. Bodybuilders (who didnt have a financial interest in hit like the Mentzers, Jones, Baye, Darden, McGuff did/do) who tried hit came back saying they lost size and strength, these include Boyer Coe, Danny Padilla, Franco Columbu and even Schwarzenegger. When they have done that and have reached a meaningful weight they should start to see results. Mentzer used to have his clients perform incline press on an Icarian incline-bench machine. Sure he was on roids. WebSearch results for "The Golden Age of Bodybuilding" at Rakuten Kobo. Mike Mentzer said that the progress should be immediate and continuous. MENTZERS 79 SHOULDER WORKOUT Nautilus Machine Laterals | SETS: 1-2 | REPS: 6-9 | MAX WEIGHT: 250 lbs One-Arm Dumbbell Laterals | SETS: 1 | REPS: 6-9 | MAX WEIGHT: 70 lbs None. That end result is reaching and maintaining ones genetic potential. Login. On the other hand, he exercised twice a day and was highly active. I am a natural bodybuilder and Im glad to hear your experience with Heavy duty. And sadly, how many people look the same year after year depsite working out? Slowly lower the barbell towards your chest and then press it back to the start. Not a scam, never was. Just starting HD as of tonight or rather one of mikes workouts http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/becker22.htm A dumbbell overhead or a dumbbell shoulder press is a weightlifting exercise that not only targets the muscles in your upper body but also your trapezius, lower back muscles, glutes, and triceps. Mentzer believed many bodybuilders were overtraining, so he emphasized In 1971, he was introduced to Arthur Jones, the creator of WebThe Mike Mentzer Ideal Workout Routine Workout 1 - Legs Leg extension 12-20 reps Leg press 12-20 reps Calf raise 12-20 reps Sit-up 12-20 reps Workout 2 - Chest and Back Flat dumbbell flye 6-10 reps Incline bench press 1-3 reps Overhead cable pullover 6-10 reps Reverse-grip lat pulldown 6-10 reps Deadlift 5-8 reps Workout 3 - Legs Hold a barbell with an overhand grip at shoulder-width outside yur legs. One work set wont work unless you also do back-off sets to make up for the low volume. You can also eat bread, Granola, Poultry, Low-fat milk, and drink plenty of water. WebMentzers pursuit of the Sandow was brief, as were his workouts, but no one before him ever trained with greater intensity. Other bodybuilders, such as Casey Viator and Mike Mentzer, used less sets in order to get more recuperation. I feel sorry for these skinny guys who get conned into this fucking nonsense. Oh thats right. Your email address will not be published. Mike mentioned that a natural bodybuilder he knew named David Staplin was taking 3 weeks off between workouts and making great progress. He believed that it was possible to make rapid gains in muscle size and strength by performing brief but intense workouts. This can lead to muscle loss rather than gain. Hit has been around for 50 years yet it doesnt really stick. What he taught worked for me. WebBorn in 1951, Mike Mentzer was one of the earliest superstars in modern day bodybuilding. Workout 1x per week: Once a week is all you need. Mike Mentzers leg workout plan consisted of five sets of 10 reps, but if you can do more, its recommended to increase the number of reps to gain maximum benefits from this workout routine. Mike Mentzers physique obtained through his Heavy Duty training and diet is quite impressive. WebTeam; Services. He performed different exercises with an average of five sets. Yeah, like youre doing right now. Mike mentzer made some good points but training one muscle group once a month, seriously? $280.19 4 Used from $185.00 Body builder Mike Mentzer brings another fine work to the field - addressing issues of philosophical-scientific views on anaerobic, high-intensity body building and relationship of mind to body. , green beans, zucchini squash, spinach, and spent obscene amounts of time in the.. Believe it but it made me giddy, Mentzer fans are indeed [ emailprotected ] size. Or salads dont even do hit, he didnt get any bigger in. 2 weeksMike never claimed that skinny guys who get conned into this fucking.... As you grow stronger, and bananas at the top of the and. Chest with your hands using an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width related Rest-Pause is a bad idea naturals. 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