0000306648 00000 n -2 Similarly, when we describe an expression in words that includes a variable, we're describing an algebraic expression (an expression with a variable). And so, he thought, I'm never going to be arrested. 3. 8.D David Garrow, a historian and the author of Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, says people may think that Parks' action was spontaneous, but black civic leaders had been thinking about what to do about the Montgomery buses for years. Homework help starts here! So if we let x be the number, then twice the number = 2x Six more than twice a number (2x) is 6 + 2x (Hint: more than = addition) Since six more than twice a number (6 + 2x) is greater than negative fourteen, then: 6 + 2x > -14 They were telling me, as you see, you have no right to investigate crypto. I-3, Q:s than twice what his younger sister Maria weighs. It's great to be here. twelve increased by 4 times a number is 2, The difference of twice a number and five, The difference of a number and another number, The quotient of a number and twice another number, The product of 8 and a number decreased by another number, The difference of the square of a number and the cube of the same number, The absolute value of the difference of 3 and a number, contains one or more variables and may contain operation symbols, a letter or symbol that represents a number, either a single number or variable or the product of several numbers or variables, separated from another term by a plus or minus sign in an overall expression, the number before the variable that expresses how many of each variable there are, a specified or indefinite amount of something, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, Vocabulary for Achievement: Fourth Course, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9, 5th Grade Math Review - expressions/fractions, Operations with Rational Numbers add subtract. So often this propaganda that is fed to us that the United States is in Ukraine because it wants to protect and spread democracy and vanquished tyranny, or because the United States is angry that a country like Russia has violated the sacred rules-based international order is propaganda that really is for domestic consumption only. This is something you've been spending a lot of time on, which is why I say he didn't invent it. For Democratic districts, they ran ads that said that if we pass this legislation, we will have more hate speech and more hate groups on the Internet. The quotient of seven times a number and three (7x) / 3, A. 0000239541 00000 n If history teaches any lesson, it is clear that treating human leaders or institutions as capable of god-like infallibility and super-human wisdom is quite dangerous. She's now in very good standing in Western security circles. B result is 270. There is the article from 2022 to the evolution of union busting, and it's entitled Breaking Unions With the Language of Diversity and Social Justice. O B. B Please keep this window open while your file is uploading Live Streamed on February 23, 2023 8:08 PM ET, Live Streamed on February 16, 2023 8:23 PM ET, Live Streamed on February 14, 2023 8:04 PM ET, The West Tried To Isolate Russia. 2n - 16 In case you're wondering about his credentials, he's the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Joni Ernst, the Republican senator, was also there and she had a big smile on her face, posing for a photo with a T[-shirt], with a stylized-like advertisement on it for F-16s to be deployed to Ukraine from the U.S. 21.A, Homework helper is master chief not gonna lie. Nancy Pelosi. Identify the greater number. I don't. And nonetheless, somehow, within the very first week or two, Dr. Fauci created a universal consensus of scientists who had announced to the world that there was no debate possible about one component of this novel coronavirus, its origin. She experienced various difficulties and became pregnant. Another $6,000 to a person who has no political opposition. I don't think it's ever a good idea when German tanks head to the Russian border, but that's what's happening now. A lot of this was FOIA, and this is from Jeremy Farrar. Two police officers handcuffed and arrested her. And in the next exchange, this is where he explains exactly what he learned. And he plays coy about whether it's going to be him individually who takes over but, of course, that's the obvious, inescapable conclusion. Who knew that all along she considered the Hitler of that era to be her father figure? 16. The idea that we're now going to replicate this system of pre-Enlightenment, blind faith in an institution as a power, is remarkable and these revelations demonstrate why that is. The famous Rachel Maddow clip where she explains to everybody like they're idiots what she knows, as an expert, that if you get the vaccine, the virus will try and enter your body but there's a brick wall there because of the vaccine that will stop it from entering your body. He has a genuinely inspiring political story. Triple a number increased by twelve. jaymoney561123 jaymoney561123 10/27/2020 Mathematics College answered Two more than four times a number is -10 ? It was the worst sound I ever heard. It was only once the Biden administration itself, a year and a half into the pandemic, finally acknowledged what was clear all along, that, in fact, there was no definitive ever evidence ever in the possession of the U.S. government that proved one way or the other what the origins of the COVID pandemic was only once the U.S. government admitted that a legitimate debate should be had, only then did Facebook permit you to go on to its platform and say, You know what? *Response times may vary by subject and question complexity. The same group of people that gave you the Iraq war, based on lies; that gave you the abuses of the War on Terror; that gave you the 2008 financial crisis, they're telling you that they love each other. Why would South American leaders or Middle Eastern leaders or African leaders be willing to involve themselves in a war over that? 0000193570 00000 n B Nine times a number increased by eight is the same as four less than five times the number. Rather than view it as an existential threat, these countries are largely focused on protecting their own interests amid the economic and geopolitical upheaval caused by the invasion (The New York Times. Median response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers. Now they're talking again about reinstalling Shah's son, somebody who hasn't even been to Iran in decades. A. Here's another email. Obviously, the comparison of them all being African American candidates but it went beyond that, which was very ideological. 0000041961 00000 n 5.B Sure enough, it's Victoria Nuland. But we were going in the wrong direction. 4n+3 If you look at the size and scale of this alleged fraud, it's extraordinary. He says Canada can risk falling behind its U.S. counterparts. Choose the correct way to write the equation. ANSWERS: 1)x+10x=x2 +5, 2) 63(5+x)=x9 If a number is increased by the product of the number and . And look, they're going to set aside for nonwhite, black or Asian or whatever content on their cable shows. five more than twice a number: 2n + 5: the product of a number and 6: 6n: seven divided by twice a number: 7 2n or three times a number decreased by . M. Tracey: Did she disclose that she viewed Bush as a father figure while Bush was actually president? try it. Let's hope she gets there. When assessing whether one should support a proposed law, the key question is not whether one is comfortable with it in the hands of leaders one likes and trusts, but whether one is comfortable with such powers in the hands of different leaders. They just exploited it at a much greater rate. d) -- (4- 6). Lee Fang: It's a business that D.C. operates around. Colvin was 15. B Here is the lead New York Times reporter on COVID she replaced the long-time and very well-regarded COVID reporter Don McNeil, who was fired because he apparently said things on a trip to Peru, which The New York Times sponsored very wealthy families to allow their teenagers to go on. 3.D Feb. 23, 2023). Choose 2 answers: A major reason I accepted the offer to become a Folha columnist is that it gives me a significant platform in Brazil to combat what I regard as these increasingly grave attacks on core liberties, not only because they threaten rights of free speech, due process and a free internet in Brazil, but because they threaten all those values far beyond Brazil's borders as well. I don't know if you saw it on screen. Lee Fang: I mean, that's a tough question. This is Michael Osterholm, who was on with Christiane Amanpour. What are the seven integers? Spreading disinformation for this hidden agenda is their job. Courtesy of Jim Crow Museum at Ferris State University, Courtesy of Birmingham Public Library Department of Archives and Manuscripts. Their brains are completely broken. 7. M. Tracey: Well, you would never do that. 7 . And even some of the nations that initially agreed to denounce Russia see the war as someone else's problem and have since started moving toward a more neutral position (The New York Times. Like I said, he invented the hashtag Abolish ICE campaign. And yet, Google decided that debate was also off limits because Dr. Fauci and others had said cloth masks are what you should wear. Its very instructive because I hadn't fully appreciated how granularly they engage in online censorship. 11. 0000133203 00000 n c) 0 17. The answer is B. Twice a quantity usually indicates to take two of the things in question; usually this indicates to multiply by 2. (- 1):, Q:3. 4.C I'm certain that you recall the debate about the efficacy of natural immunity, meaning the inability of a human to get COVID, even if they're not vaccinated once they get the COVID vaccine. And we're about to do that in just a minute. That's what she claims. 10. So today is the one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine, or at least the part of the war in Ukraine that began when Russia invaded with a very large army on February 24 of last year. It Didn't Work., A Global Divide on the Ukraine War is Deepening, Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of COVID-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says. The FBI was contacting them every other day, executives at Twitter, for The New York Times and other media outlets to ignore that, which I think is very strange and maybe reflects some type of professional jealousy or something else. The idea that they're going to go and start invading, in a domino theory, Poland and then Hungary and then Western Europe is ludicrous. The tech giant has updated its policy against false and misleading coronavirus information, including its running list of debunked claims, over the course of the pandemic in consultation with global health officials. 14.D A G. Greenwald: in Nicaragua, El Salvador and so forth. It Didn't Work.. It's amazing to watch. Step-by-step explanation: 2n+4=8. G. Greenwald: Let me just interject there because I think it's just so interesting. x=8. G. Greenwald: And 2002 as well. Nicole Wallace, MSNBC News: Traditionally driven by science, not presidential politics and the scientists aren't the only ones rankled today by Trump's effort at reputational repair. It shows examples and common aspects of the transformation of algebra word problems into equations and expressions. And it certainly worked. What are the numbers? If w represents Maria's weight, which expression, A:Introduction: 4 *** 2. Matthew Johnson, mechanical & aerospace engineering professor and head of the Energy & Emissions Research Lab at Carleton University, joins BNN Bloomberg to discuss his latest research that suggests heavy oil facilities in Saskatchewan are emitting methane almost four times more than what's report to government. 0000178948 00000 n There's another example and by the way, since we went over a little time and I want to continue to explore this utterly while we have him, we also are now streaming on Locals, which will be our aftershow as well. You can throw Marco Rubio and AOC into the mix, and you can throw Lindsey Graham and Bernie Sanders into the mix and there's absolutely no daylight of any kind between them. Feb. 23, 2023). Seven times the smaller of 2 numbers plus 9 times the larger is 178. These are people who are incapable of that kind of thinking, and that's why they succeed there. G. Greenwald: Yeah. O n-5 The difference between a number and 40 is double, so at times it is by two. Nine times a number added to $6,$ subtracted from trip, Translating Write each phrase as an algebraic expression. D b. A As we have previously reported on this show, well before this newly proposed law by Brazil's new government, an online censorship regime was imposed in the name of stopping the Bolsonaro movement. 10 + 2n. Turn this to a algebraic expression: eight more than six times a number added to one more than nine times the number. Excerpted with permission from Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice, by Phillip Hoose. Ayer hubo un accidente ______________ afecto el medio ambiente. Error is the inevitable condition of even the most well-intentioned humans. G. Greenwald: One of the things that I think angered the political establishment most about Donald Trump's political campaign in 2016 was I don't know if you remember this specific moment but in one of the debates, he basically stood up and said, All Washington is a scam and when I was on the other side of the process as just kind of a billionaire, as somebody who is in the private sector, all I had to do was just write a check to any politician in either party, and with some exceptions, but not many, they would call me up and they would say, What is it that I can do for you? And whatever he needed them to do, they would do it in exchange for that check that he was willing to offer. b. V-12 It has a blue background and then the special letters that they want to emphasize are in yellow and the name, Christopher Wray, is also in yellow. 3 I would certainly like to know where in the charter authorizes the bureau to have its own autonomous foreign policy, seemingly, where it's pledging to fight Russia as a matter of federal law enforcement. 0000249915 00000 n .~* *~ is correct I have the same answers and got 100% But again, I don't know. I think this is a bit too specific because there are other conspiracy theories out there. That's sort of a punching bag for me, which I think the audience likes. She was briefed on all of those War on Terror programs, including domestic spying on American citizens without warrants, the torture regime in Guantanamo, the due process for camps around the world, and the CIA black sites and approved all of them, never objected to any of it. A) Translate the statement above into an equation that you can solve to answer this question. The study found that prior infection offered 78.6% protection against reinfection from the original Wuhan Alpha or Delta variants at 40 weeks, which slipped to 36.1% against Omicron. D thrice a number is increased by 11 the result is 112 _____ 7. aki is g centimeters tall Pierre's height is four less trice the height of aki how tall is piere object objecraiclly _____ 8.) 1) d = 0000245108 00000 n He has also ordered social networks to remove thousands of posts and videos with little room for appeal. C) (2')5x 16 There were weapons used and intimidation on the picket line, kind of threats to offshore jobs in the seventies and eighties, which were often actuated. B), Q:Which expression has a value less than 1? Enter your parent or guardians email address: By clicking Sign up you accept Numerade's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It's not a battle between freedom and dictatorship, as Biden often suggests, said William Gumede, who founded and heads the Johannesburg based Democracy Works Foundation, which promotes democracy in Africa. the quotient of five and a number. But she made clear here in a remarkable way that she has no interest in that question of what actually happened. 22) Twice a number increased by 3 is more than 9. Lee Fang: Well, in some ways, this indictment is extraordinary. Two more than three times a number is 17. And anyone who expressed an idea in the falsehood category just like Facebook maintains falsehood categories was not just mocked but punished. A major escalation in official online censorship regimes is progressing rapidly in Brazil, with implications for everyone in the democratic world. The problem statesthat is, the equation is: %PDF-1.4 % And yet no other mentality than this one can account for someone supporting the kind of law to ban and punish "fake news and disinformation" as the new Brazilian government and its allies in Congress are on the verge of adopting. What is that number? 6.B G. Greenwald: Yeah, you could get anything done in Democratic Party or basketball circles, as your colleague Ryan Grim has done a great job of reporting as well, that within these progressive organizations, they basically implode on each other because of this, without accusing the people you're trying to feed in some way of supporting bigotry or white supremacy. The entire thing was just a gigantic debacle from start to finish. It's for good reason that Western rhetoric, based on principles and morals, like the one that has dominated the discourse around this war sounds hypocritical and brings back the ghosts of a colonial past (Folha de So Paulo. sum, Q:Which of the following is the value of the expression below? Note here that we cannot conclude, at least from this, that the U.S. government has discovered the actual origin. O 2 and-21 So, I'm really thrilled that we were able to bring you here into the studio and spend the time talking to you. They kept telling me I was going to Atmore, the women's penitentiary. D. -4 + x, A:To Select all the expressions that are equivalent to 4 - x, Q:Jse the variable x to write the phrase in symbols. It's not as big as the show I'm currently on. Think about what this says about the media and about people who exploit this ideology and these causes in order to do what he did. You don't need to be proficient in rocket science to comprehend that that was a de facto endorsement by this Western security order of regime change in both those countries, at least as an aspiration. He said way more than just I'm against an open book. Ten days before the run-off voting for the 2018 presidential election which sent Bolsonaro into the presidency, Folha reported that an "illegal practice" was being used to help Jair Bolsonaro win that election. 0000011653 00000 n For Free. E) (2) x (2 It is 27. As is true in the U.S., nothing enrages the left and provokes the lowest and most scurrilous attacks more than when a person they believe they own due to their membership in a "marginalized" group who proclaims their independence and right to think critically (in September, I was forced by David's health crisis to petition the election court to withdraw his re-election candidacy, and the new Congress was inaugurated on February 1 without him). All you have to do is affirm left liberal cultural orthodoxies be associated with woke causes. Tyler is paid $11 per hour and Steven is paid $12 per hour.. How do you translate the word phrase to an algebraic expression? Well, we'll most certainly keep following that. What is the number? 0000308828 00000 n 9-A D So here you have this Munich conference, all over the world the war in Ukraine is being debated most countries actually want no part of it. 0000066681 00000 n 7.) Feb. 26, 2023). 0000351278 00000 n And again, it's using the same kind of strategy that Sharpton I don't know if he pioneered but he's certainly very effective at taking social justice rhetoric and deploying it to basically manipulate voters into agreeing with the corporate bottom line. So, if you're a Brazilian and you hear the United States doling out lectures on the importance of the rule-based international order and the need to support democracy and vanquish tyranny, how do you think you're going to react? 3.C 14. or listen to the podcast on Spotify. And that was why Facebook decided it would allow this idea to be heard, only once, even the Biden administration gave them the green light by saying, You know what? Lee Fang: Newt Gingrich and, you know, more jingoistic kind of religious organizations that have appeal and cachet with Republican audiences. O 20 But all you have to do to conceal that kind of nasty image would still have that same effect of lobbyists cozying up and partying with legislative staff and lawmakers and gaining influence, the kind of day to day transaction-based economy of Capitol Hill is to use a diversity event. But there is this kind of overarching effort to exploit, to flatten actual points of difference and cynically exploit them to make us hate each other. A:Factories the a.c and try to form b as their sum from given options. It's how Washington basically works. She also says Parks had the right hair and the right look. It means that Is is the sum of five times the number. 13. "She fit that profile.". number x and forty-five is sixty. The only people who believe that are American media outlets and their employees and then the people who trust and pay attention to those media outlets, which thankfully is a rapidly diminishing number. But yeah, you're right that there's a lot of prosecutorial discretion. 2) w = width of the rectangle . Two times the sum of a number and seven is negative thirty-six. Write an algebraic expression for the given quantity. They're becoming diversity consultants, DTI consultants, and they're going in and saying, look, you don't need to join a union to have your voice at the company. But all I'm telling you is, as a result of taking that position, he got promptly attacked by establishment Republican outlets like The Bulwark - as you say, nothing is a deal breaker except this. 7 + n. seven increased by a number. And this is obviously somebody who's the perfect, candidate, as I said. Do you have other stories coming out and what do you make of the way in which the media really, on day one, announce that this is a trivial story, that it was done corruptly and that most revelations that have emerged and that will continue to emerge have just been declared something that they intend to completely ignore. They always remain in power, no matter how grievous their errors. 9.1 \times 10^{-5} - 8.2 \times 10^{-6} and 1.2 \times 10^{-6} - 5.5 \times 10^{-7}. 11-D 3.D I saw her staggering out of her car at one point, of course, I couldn't be allowed to approach her very dangerous, potentially, because she might be actually asked a mildly skeptical question. A Sign Up for free to see more from this community or subscribe to Glenn Greenwald for $5/month to support 0000132095 00000 n Choose 2 answers: July 5, 2021). This is a story that I believe is only in the beginning that's going to grow and grow and grow in terms of its revelations about a lot of people. 10.A And to its credit, I guess The Intercept did what they should have done, which is they published these documents, which up to that point had been some of the most convincing, proving that, in fact, Dr. Fauci had been funding exactly this sort of research. Everyone would love to live in a world in which an omnipotent and benevolent power who rules us allows only truthful statements, while it accurately identifies and then outlaws all false claims. He's not yet been charged with any crimes. When she saw me, she didn't bawl me out, she just asked, "Are you all right, Claudette?". We were told over and over that that shouldn't even be discussed that the only solution for everybody was to go and get the vaccine. And there's been no journalistic revelations of this part either. 7.A I put my knees together and crossed my hands over my lap and started praying. M. Tracey: Yeah. If d; represents the number of feet a tortoise has crawled north of the starting line of a race, Q:* n(A) = 11- n(A J B) = 15. and n(B) = 13, what is n(ANB)? Feb. 19, 2020). And let's look at the people he seems to have purchased and how that ended up helping and protecting his scheme from being discovered for so long there are a lot of victims here. I saw him, he was like, hugging, [..] laughing and 100% on the same page with Pelosi okay? There are currently 286 glasses. for those of you wondering 0000025470 00000 n C He's now facing more felony charges. four pairs of shoes. The Intercept knew that there were a lot of right-wing allegations against Dr. Fauci, specifically that he had funded gain-of-function research in the Wuhan lab that takes naturally occurring viruses and deliberately makes them more dangerous. Now connect to a tutor anywhere from the web, Carolyn works at an accounting firm. What really is important here is the way he ingratiated himself into Washington, to its top and most influential and powerful people in the United States and in the West, cultivated almost unanimously worshiping media coverage, using tactics that we're going to look at and in the process, insulated himself from regulatory scrutiny by simply buying off politicians, using as gurus, liberal political strategists who are right now in a lot of trouble. 2x 3. For one case, the Labor Department came out and said, This is a terrible idea. This question wants me to make statements and write them down. O (42 +. And I actually try, I've tried over the past couple of years to tell people on the left that their reflexive opposition to cryptocurrency and blockchain is misguided because of these benefits. Humans have tried all this before. Remember. In the process of doing that, he spoke by Twitter DM to a reporter at Vox who published the key excerpts. And yet this week, Donald Trump is still pushing the debunked bunkum, despite his own intelligence community's findings that that is simply not true. ' 4 more than twice a number' means: 2x + 4. 12.B He was famously a guest at Bill and Hillary Clinton's wedding that showed how ensconced he was in this political culture. But he was targeting the most important people when it came to whether or not crypto and the industry would be regulated in a way that might actually bring scrutiny to the fact that he was engaged in. We absolutely love you. (Video 01:02:10)Kasie Hunt, MSNBC: Ken, the other thing I wanted to ask you about is this question about the Wuhan lab. 0000089165 00000 n But, you know, just generally, regarding the coverage of the story, I've been disappointed but not surprised. 14-D 18.C The media will love you. Use numerals for the spelt-out numbers 4 less than 3 times a number is 3 more than 2 times the number Replace the words "a number" and "the number" by N 4 less than 3 times N is 3 more than 2 times N Replace the words " 3 times N " by 3N and replace the words " 2 times N " by 2N 4 less than 3N is 3 more than 2N Replace the word " is " by . Whenever there's no partisan angle to the story, people seem to agree that it doesn't need to be scrutinized because there's no partisan benefit to it. Maxine Waters blows kisses at me. 13.C 0000166544 00000 n 2.a Last May, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was forced to retreat from its attempt to appoint a "disinformation czar" to oversee what would effectively be its Ministry of Truth. 27 N. Pelosi: Once again, I'll just say this honestly, that the Bush family is because of their humanity, their faith, their generosity of spirit, their compassion []. It is funded by a small handful of liberal billionaires, and employs highly politicized actors who claim a fake expertise "disinformation experts" to masquerade their ideological views as science. On Spotify risk falling behind its U.S. counterparts your parent or guardians email address: by clicking Sign up accept. Numerade 's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that in just a minute is why say... Do n't know if you saw it on screen: Let me just interject there because I this. Twitter DM to a person who has n't even been to Iran in decades 4. Three times a number increased by 3 is more than nine times number. To involve themselves in a war over that just interject there because I think the audience likes of Service Privacy. 'S penitentiary censorship regimes is progressing rapidly in Brazil, with implications for everyone in the falsehood category just Facebook... Or listen to the podcast on Spotify 's Victoria Nuland invented the hashtag Abolish ICE campaign the process of that! 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