I am from Hungary and been living in the UK for 13 years. This is not to say that England (or the rest of the UK) is not a good place to live. America has visionaries like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel advising Trump. Here, in Estonia, the winter is 6 months - cold, sometimes snowing, dark, wet, depressing weather. It sounds like a fascinating place! Life is getting so tagged here also .:( I guess, home is what you make of it. Hahaha I know this is an older comment but I just wanted to address the food thing for the benefit of more recent readers. But that's ok, I was never afraid of hard work and long hours of study. Because I am white I could pass for being British or European but I am not. Schools are over crowded NHS at breaking point, road traffic down south mostly at a stand still and violent crime on the rise. That's a really nice and honest article. I have no hesitation in saying most brits ARE racists but live in denial.English people progress quickly everywhere despite only being half as qualified as a person of colour. This didn't stop me, though, I persevered until I got accepted. I must say, I don't think your assertion that 'most people in the UK are racist' is fair. My hubby and I left the UK in 2013 for the same reasons. HR Recruiters in this country care more that you still got GCSE qualifications than the vast amount of knowledge and experience you've picked up after fucking primary school. It's a quid pro quo, no? There is so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin in pointing out the almost endless flaws. In all my years in the UK I never paid for a taxi in London because I could not afford it yet in Cairo I can go for a half an hour taxi ride and pay under 3. It is quite a harrowing existence at times where I sit and contemplate how screwed I am living in this country. There are so many digital nomad jobs so you don't need to live in London anymore. The UK blames, as you said, hard-working Poles, Romanians, and now the whole EU. The nationalistic movement in the western world is unacceptable and it is far too easy for politicians to get away with pointing the finger at easy scapegoats while they fuel their own selfish agenda with taxpayer money. London has less rain per annum than Bucharest, look it up. But somehow people consider Switzerland as a safe and liberal country. Vote for the party that helps people, understands and values human rights. And your seasons kick ass :) You can ski, swim, tan, walk. Of course, many people want to be English, that's why they come here. But that does not justify mass immigration, and I say mass immigration because I am in favour of short immigration of few people and more controlled. But now that has been reversed through the mainstream political narrative embracing populist views. Cory is multilingual and an alumna from The University of Manchester. Yes, I disagree with Brexit, but that is the nature of democracy. On the contrary, the positive is that now I value Italy so so much more and I understand how brainwashed I was about British culture (my English friends were laughing about my naivety as well). Anyway, good luck How on earth can you say the roads in the Uk are well maintained????? The other problem is that this country has relied too much on purely service industry and literally no manufacturing. Perhaps you can tie a flag to it and wave it around for the amusement of your 'patriotic' peers. Why live like that if you don't have to! We created 42droids which became the pillar of our careers. Such an insightful piece of writing! Im not alone. We contribute more to the country than many others. High standards, high expectations, high quality living. But let me tell you, though, you shouldn't see immigrants as a problem, but as a solution. I am super excited to learn that you liked Romania. I used to think most of my life that happiness was found in places and thought that running to a foreign country would help me deal with my feelings of unfulfillment but it never did. AHEAD of Sweden, Germany or Japan. To further reassure myself that my English level was adequate enough for me to get a job, I went to University and took a language exam. I think I have officially reached the point of depression due to the rain and I am absolutely desperate to leave. I dont feel like Im at home here. They showed me a name. In my own experience though I have found the North to be a lot more racist than the South. I'm of Indian origin butI was born in the UK and I am thinking of moving to India. As I said before, once you leave home, settle, then leave home again, the word "home" becomes so relative, elusive almost. I wrote an article about a similar topic a month ago. Sorry I'm late to the party, but I'll post anyway. I'm from England but I moved to Iceland a year ago. I grew up in the 1980s and had real racist abuse (P*** word etc).However, for every racist, there was *always* 4-5 kids, adults etc berating them and defending me. This also means that, in order to actually enjoy real life (not some kind of manufacturt-pre-organised and structured activity), you have to either walk on the coasts or on the morland (a bit of a sad alternative) or go abroad on holidays. The UK has more international communities than any other country in the world. Joe: He did. I am getting to the point that I will miss Uk if I move back, will hard to get back to square 1 as life in Romania is still hard . I'm British. This isn't really a new thing. Sure, the in the average pub food isnt so amazing here. Thank you very much for being brave and courageous, and for writing this article. Alas, we did it! Hi James and Cory, Your comment deserved a huge round of applause. No country is perfect, but if you consider our history, museums, NHS, free education and world-class universities, the honesty of our police force and courts, business opportunities, freedom of speech, music, religious diversity, food safety (a huge problem in Asia by the way), countryside, regulation, animal rights, gender equality, gay rights, time zone, infrastructure, I still contend the UK is one of the best countries to live in the world. It seems like you're a fighter and I get that because you will still fight for a better life ; even if it means moving back to the UK ! All thanks to the naive and ignorant older generation. The Indian gentleman who gave up his citizenship to serve the Queen and the country forgets the hatred and racism in his own land of origin, where color of skin is a passport to success. Lots of people thought we were crazy but it's by far the best thing we have ever done. It is people like you, with no allegiance or true connection with the UK, in other words pure economic migrants, nothing more, that are bring this country to its knees and have made it an awful place to live. :). As you might have gathered thus far, the prices in the UK are rather high. I mean come on Brian, what do you mean by "people like the author". I know it's unusual for you to grasp that. These people come here and claim free medical care. No democratic decision is bad, only a lack of democracy is bad. Budget cuts were making work difficult and I didn't want to live under a right wing gov. You made us see clearer and feel empowered on our next move. People are kind and welcoming. New Zealand is a close second best, but the earthquakes and parochialism relegate it for me Im afraid. 2) Not sure about Bulgaria but in Romania we have many famous Black Romanian celebrities and even have a Palestinian MP London is unaffordable because everyone and their dog wants to be here. You've explained very honestly what I've been feeling for some time now - I'm now in a position where I feel that the values of my birthplace no longer align with my own. It is interesting hearing these thoughts coming from someone that has immigrated to the UK, tried to integrate to your best ability and come to terms with the fundamental problems this country faces - even down to the petty and subjective nature of these things, like how you spell "Stacy". However, you do need an address in the UK for your business. Canada is so high on our bucket list. Also the people respect all the transit rules, in England the streets are very neater, on the contrary in Chile they`re full of traffic and disorder. They married Chinese wives or Chinese husbands and now they have to take them out of their very reserved culture and environment to adapt to something new all because the foreigner doesn't like living in China anymore? To cut it short, I'm sad you're leaving for those reasons. Utilities 1 month (heating, electricity, gas ) for 2 people in 85m2 flat 154. [7] This interpretation of the word was used in a 2012 public statement by rapper Plan B as he spoke out to oppose the use of the term.[13]. Cultures are preserved. The term floated about beforehand, but in the 2000s it was on steroids. Maybe I'm a little weird but it just works for me. Hi Maria, I've been to Tenerife before and indeed, the weather and the food: awesome! I planned to stay and study there with my family for six months before moving somewhere more sunny and exotic, (precisely for that injection of British 'culture' and 'opportunity' ), but was worried about the current Brexit climate. I identify as immigrant as I'm British Naturalised and recently returned home from spending most of the last decade living overseas in Asia-Pac (Australia and Singapore). Blackburn - the least worst town on the list (. I was bummed I didn't get to see as much of the UK as I had hoped! great article, summarises all I ended up thinking about the UK four years after moving here. How is it fairer for a British national to claim free education, free social care, free medical from Spain but is not ok to offer the same to another who wants to make a life for themselves in the UK? Adulthood showed me the REAL England. They're not uneducated, racist or anything else that the left or the pro EU lot think which is very closed mided (In my view) if they've come to that conclusion. There is just one catch. For example from london eye to Stonehenge, are very different places but both beautiful. I had lived in New York and Sydney before, so I know big cities but I have NEVER in my life felt so unwelcome, unsafe, treated badly, alone, and unhappy as I have been in the UK. It feels like the majority of the population hate being alive, and the infamous make-do and stiff-upper-lip attitude gets to me. London is the 6th Most Michelin Starred city in the world, higher than Hong Kong or Barcelona. Your post told me that there were people out there that felt the same. Image: ANGLIA PRESS AGENCY LTD) The Lancashire town hold the dubious honour of being crown the least offensive borough on list. We have something called tigaie picanta or spicy stir-fry and piperchi which is a spicy red pepper stew. We weren't happy in our home country either. I was always welcomed as an American, many years ago. It gets to you when you realise you can't buy t-shirts because, in reality, you need sweaters, thermals and raincoats. Learn more. I lived in so many countries and I tend to very sociable, open and tolerant. Like many new and unexplored places, it needs to be protected from abuse (rise in properly prices, too much tourism and so forth). I mentioned in one of the previous comments that sometimes, the UK can be beautiful through the eye of a spectator. I can't help but share your sentiment. As an adopted child of Britain,I can totally relate to you. Or at least it was before the Brexit idea, but more on this a later in this article. Nearly 1% of the population were new immigrants every year !!! Why were you searching for topics related to moving away from the UK? An entire slang vocabulary has emerged around chav. I understand totally. to fruit to chocolate. It's just that we wanted to experience something a little different for a while. Unlike many others, we understand the importance of being part of the EU. But there are a damnsight more British born citizens abusing the system in the same way. Hence, the low growth and high house prices in London and SE. I came from Italy to do my bachelor and master degree, not because of lack of an excellent (albeit very bureaucracy reliant) university system in my country. I am glad to hear you settled in Germany. (Has the author been to 'Bradistan' in West Yorks?). Say anything uncomfortable, let's scream 'racist.' Those who are racist can be found anywhere, even in your own country. It is dangerous to assume that all British people are racists. And now since coming out as a trans-woman and trying to live my life the best way I can, I have face nothing but hurdles and hatred since doing so. Someone is always in a hurry. I hope to God, James, that you get the taste of your own medicine. This post is so timely for us - we're currently approaching the end of our two year contract and are trying to decide whether we move on from Abu Dhabi to travel relatively long-term or whether we commit to another year. Were not all like that though! This is a wonderful piece. Again, they were blind-sided by empty promises of a better NHS, "more jobs" and "less immigrants". -Safety- its NOT safe here, my 2 year old son was attacked by teenagers but the great British police is HELPLESS. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Rest assured, we are doing wonderful. What we're seeing now is a massive difference in the scale and effectiveness of these campaigns thanks to the pervasive nature of internet data mining and the use of techniques in machine learning to spot trends and correlations, coupled with lessons from the field of behaviourism, to weaponise the information. I do feel that we have so much potential and we could learn so much from one another. Discourse on chavs in contemporary Britain has been widely implicated in the . I cannot tell you if Romania is better, or the UK, or any other country for that matter. The referendum changed everything for me. Wow, this was an incredibly interesting read. That level of institutionalised class violence and prejudice is not something I want to be associated with. Healthcare and education were much worse under the left. I hope things get better here but I dont think they will any time soon. What has made this country an awful place to live is intolerant arseholes like you who are too uneducated to embrace what different nationalities and viewpoints have to offer. Cory, just out of interest, have you experienced much racism where you are living now? I want to thank you very much for taking the time to explain your point of view. Stop running it down, we didn't ask you to come here and complain about everything. We have a better technological infrastructure than most of Europe as well. Home is where your heart is. My parents came here to give, not just take - as my ex-husband and I did in Australia and Singapore. Can you imagine a black minister for equality in Bulgaria? Saying that, UK has a huge potential to rebound when it breaks away from the limpets in power sucking its tits off. Looking at the OECD date, Britain ranks as the 11th safest country and #1 with amongst countries with a population bigger than 50 Million. How can you call that democracy? It is the term Chav that is uncommon to me. The South East of England is *bursting*. Hi!! The Euro was a huge mistake. I told my British friend about this and her reaction was: "Were there any foreigners working for the company?" I moved back from the UK to India (which is where I am from) 6 years ago after living there for over 10 years. James, why don't you blame your country's class system and people like Tom Hiddleston and Clara DeLavigne who get jobs, and fame in Hollywood, and volunteering opportunities instead of immigration? I worked in a high level cyber security position after leaving military so I KNOW. As a British Citizen, I found myself sadly agreeing with so much of what you addressed. 2) Generate positive cash flows There are cheap things too but expect to get what you pay for. Paris is wetter than London..south of England gets more sunshine than the Low Countries..what were you expecting when you moved here wall to wall sunshine?! Firstly may I compliment a well written and fascinating article! 1) There are many non-ethnic/non-Han Chinese people in high up positions in the CPC (not CCP) British people *know* their country is in decline. The living quality and standards are just so much better in most other countries I have lived in (Ireland included) that I lost my willingness to try and live here. I put the blame on the U.K. government and to some extent the EU. Thanks for sharing! Would you see a non-ethnic Chinese being the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the CCP in China? I believe not only the UK, but the European continent is suffering from a shortage of work and opportunities and this is increasing people's negative attitudes towards immigrants, which are arriving seeking opportunities that simply aren't there. I would love to visit Prague and although I know many digital nomads pick this city to live in, I believe it's not exactly what I have in mind. Plus, all the great writers and scientists coming from here made me think the educational system would be wonderful. Ring any bells? Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and lots of National Trust locations for wonderful days out. A 2006 survey by YouGov suggested 70% of TV industry professionals believed that Vicky Pollard was an accurate reflection of white working-class youth. Stories of betrayal. Yes, Nicola Sturgeon's Scotland wants more immigrants. Except the rain; everyone hates the rain haha. I've found people angry and bitter, jealous of our "success" so shunning us, mad at the whole world and blaming the new family down the street rather than reflecting on how their own attitudes drive down the areas we live in. I know some will agree, whilst others won't. But no one wants to live in Scotland! My name is Josefa Ubilla, i`m fourteen years old, and i live in Chile. [10] In the 2010 book Stab Proof Scarecrows by Lance Manley, it was surmised that "chav" was an abbreviation for "council housed and violent". Leave a comment below. We are a married couple with no children, heavily focused on work. I moved back to the U.K. after living and working in Australia, as well as travelling as well. How is that fair? Britain is unrecognizable from its former glory. Very nice post! I found it very difficult to make friends in London. As for Portugal and being Portuguese born, I can see that is now a fashionable place to go. My eyes *roll* when White EU Nationals scream racism when British people call them out for treating their country like a hotel (with many paying hostel rates). I know the English think they are similar to Australians but how many people (pom ping-pongs, they're called) come back from Australia because they are UNWANTED? What !!!!??? In recent years, however, many restaurants focused on British products, and new ways to innovate by using locally sourced, seasonal products. Honestly its all in how you phrase it, lovely. It makes me sad to read this. Sorry for the belated reply. To think that we have regressed so much as a society is an eternal sadness. Paul. However I found people to be so friendly. I still remember talking to my husband the previous night, saying that the world is not that stupid. Can you imagine that? As an American who used to live in Scotland, I 100% agree with you about the weather and prices (ouch with the pound/dollar!). It's interesting. No country is perfect, but if you consider our history, museums, NHS, free education, the honesty of our police force and courts, business opportunities, freedom of speech, music, religious diversity, food safety (a huge problem in Asia by the way), lack of corruption, the countryside, quality of regulation, its military, animal rights, gender equality, gay rights, time zone, infrastructure, I still content the UK is one of the best countries to live in the world. It is the immigrants who maintain Britain afloat, and it is because of the immigrants that we have good doctors, dedicated teachers and hard-working baristas in the local cafes. Acronyms, such as "Council Housed and Vile" have sprung up to explain the. Anyway, I hope I have explained rationally that it's not as simple as how a lot of the press talks about Brexit :-). We lived in Bristol, Bob. Once I would have thought you were exaggerating. my heart is there , my heart is here .. I'm sure you will find your (almost) perfect city/country! However, as you said, with Brexit/Windrush/hostile environment etc. We are the first of the G7 countries to require zero CO2 emission by law. They want working age people who can contribute to their economy and integrate into their society. Stuffed peppers and aubergines with meat and rice. Maybe not your cup of tea. Suddenly this opened up my world to the whole other side of the UK that I had been ignoring for my whole life. In that 25yrs, my tropical island birth nation has gone from developing to now High Income status. UK for years has failed to create policies to protect its border, its benefits and health system to be abused by anyone and everyone. (In fact in broke my marriage that my ex husband could not understand how good our life was in Australia, hence I'm here). I don't know, Si. It's merely a route to (SE) England. Portugal is the 4th safest country in Europe England used to be a nice place and I really wish we could do something to increase the safety rankings. Even though I think the political climate in Scotland is slightly different than in England - especially in Glasgow, where we live - there is no denying that the overall situation sucks. Food for thought! people do it. At first, many were not sure how insulting it really is until it was thrown about to anyone in tracksuits and a cap. I wish you and your husband the best of luck on your travels and next adventure in life!!! Hey! So travel around the UK doesn't come cheap. Are we finally getting karma for all the horrific things weve done to other countries? Did you like this article? "The culture in Britain has moved from brilliant to that of hate, racism and ignorance." Ask any American, and apart from skinny women, castles and nice beer, the thing they love about Europe is its diversity. Sadly, I am one of them. The best years were probably (economically and socially) from mid 1990's, 1993 until 2008 (esp the boom Blair years). move to New Zealand ,great place to live Dave from Hull. The government is doing nothing to keep this in check, and it has become "salonfhig" to be openly racist. im sorry you and your husband had to go through what you did and now I see it (albeit from a different angle) how bad this country can be to people who are deemed different. We just made positive gains as a society in how we viewed foreigners role within our society and gradually people became less extreme. It's weird, I love Scotland, but it's difficult sometimes to truly envision a life there. I don't know where you've seen Brits treated like slaves. Mass immigration or controlled immigration will not change the way a Briton chooses whether to invite a foreigner for a cup of tea or shepherd's pie. I agree with every sentiment you expressed and I wish you all the best outside of Britain. For me, moving to the UK where I've traveled a few times a year for over 20 years for work and fun - is about spending time with friends and loved ones there and the opportunity to travel Europe much easier. Oh, and I don't know what 'self-sufficant' is - perhaps you were trying to say 'self-sufficient'? I was curious to know where have you shifted to and how has your experience been so far. New Zealand is a close second, but the earthquakes and parochialism relegate it for me Im afraid. From my experience the world has a habit of reminding people about the best things in the UK. White Europeans cannot understand racism, and ought to go figure on their home countries. The current North/South divide was very much a product of Thatchers efforts to limit worker rights. Good luck on your move and finding the sun. This, in turn, is fantastic for livestock, fantastic for photography and brilliant for people who love walks in nature. I miss who I was when I was abroad. Ive been living/travelling & working abroad for the last five years. I loved them and loved my job. The cool Britannia era and the political discourse around equal opportunities, positive discrimination and multiculturalism gradually over a long period of time became completely replaced with an anti immigration narrative which reached a crescendo with Brexit and ripped a massive great hole through the country and I honestly don't believe we can ever be the same again. And it's great that we can drive from A to B without being stopped at the borders for passport controls. We have some of the best humour in the world. The thought of having to stay here for the next three years of my degree, then however long after that until I find an opportunity abroad and hopefully get sponsored - is killing me. Most working Brits are counting the days to retirement and escape from this violent slum. We're also seeing increasing radicalisation in right wing politics because this process is a feedback loop. Im born and bread British and I hate it! But we live to achieve in the UK, not to enjoy good food and wine. The more I integrated, the more I saw, understood and acknowledged. We have numerous pastries with fillings going from cheese to spinach (like the Greeks, yes!) The negatives are playing out on the world stage. As time went by, things started to change a little. I hope you find true peace and happiness. Uncertainty in things!!. I'm not surprised at all that you're leaving the UK! Australia is pretty great, I am not surprised you miss it! This is what British society has lost. Whereby his reply was: "What British culture?". The review reads: "Staines, the very name conjures up a vision of chav-ridden, rubbish . It was about all the things I don't understand about England. 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