He is low on the list because his self-control is not a gift as much as it is a perfected skill. For example, Edward's power is telepathy that allows him to read the minds of others, Bella's power is a mental shield that prevents people from reading her mind, and it also allows her to protect other people. Vampires in the world of Twilight are a unique kind, as each one has different abilities that vampiresdont usually have and heres how powerful each Cullen really is. James: He is a sadistic tracker who hunts human beings for sport. Her gift is the exact opposite of her parents. His telepathy range gives him an advantage in most fights and is also the reason he is so coveted by Aro and the Volturi. "Limitations: unable to create temperature, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.There is very little, if any defense capability of this power.If the user uses both sides of their power at the same time,they may cancel each other out.---------------------------------------------Body Language/Movement Analysis Ability informationCategory: MentalType: Physical Usage informationintuitively read others' body language and anticipate their actions.-Capabilities-The user can intuitively read others' body language, allowing them to anticipate their actions and respond accordingly, often allowing the user to predict opponent's attacks.-Limitations-may not work on species different from the him, till he can can train or be trained to understand that species behavior.Opponents with erratic and unpredictable behavior are immune to this power.---------------------------------------------Enhanced TrackingAbility informationCategory: TrackingType: Physical Usage information the Power to track others down easily via various means, ranging from scents to footprints. See more ideas about twilight vampire powers, twilight, twilight saga. She was insane. Cecil has shown to have a tremendous amount of self-control when it comes to human blood, having never even tasted it. -Capablities-Move/lift water, ice, vapor, etc. He is immune to the smell of human blood, unlike any of his other vampire friends and family and has dedicated his immortal life in the service of humans. Another case was Felix, who was an executioner in his mortal life, but deeply regretted his actions for being the one to end the lives of others. Raoul was able to win over and kill countless newborn members in the army, Gabriel has strength that surpasses that of normal vampires, Gabriel has used his strength to kill many vampires, including Crisanto, a volturi guard, and a coven of english vampires, Deveaux has strength that is greater than that of normal vampires, This strength helped him survive from being killed by his coven mates, who were affected with his ability, Cova possesses strength that outmaches regular vampires, Cova has used this strength to protect his family against a few vampires around the years, Cova can control his thirst better than most vampires, this is due to his extreme awareness and maturity as a human, Cova is a protector of a biological family of humans, and takes care of the younger family members. Emmett is noted as having advanced strength beyond that of a typical vampire, but it hardly seems to be a gift worth getting too excited about. Her visions aren't perfect, as the final decisions regarding the future must already be made. It consists of Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Emmett, and Edward Cullen, as well as Rosalie and Jasper Hale. Some powers are the same but with a different twist to them. Later in the series, Bella Swan and her vampire hybrid daughter with Edward, Renesmee Cullen, are also introduced to the coven. Last Updated: November 22, 2012, 17:16 IST. Some of those characteristics become a supernatural power of some sort. Obsessed with travel? Eleazar has explained that every gift is unique, never working the same way twice because no one ever thinks exactly the same way. Certain vampires have special abilities gained or enhanced when they are turned. Compared to other vampires, Jane and Alec are weak in melee combat since they never trained in it. Every time she manages to commit to a TV show without getting bored, an angel gets its wings. Description: The power to obtain historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects they can observe by their senses. Certain powers can be grouped in specific categories, even though it is difficult at times to do so, because no two talents ever work the exact same way. He can also do this to a large group as he does with the newborn army he trains in the late 1800s. He is approximately 300 years old and practices medicine. However, they dont control these powers right away, and in some cases, it takes them centuries to master them. You can join and make your own posts and quizzes. Carlisle Cullen is the leader of the Olympic Coven of Cullen Vampires. But Edward was faster - a bullet from a gun.'. Edward can hear groups at a time, although he has stated that he has learned to drown out extra voices by focusing on one in particular. Alec: Jane's her twin brother Alec can block others' senses and paralyze a prey while he cannot see or feel anything. Aro's powers allow him to blackmail, fool, manipulate, and coerce everyone into compliance. ---------------------------------------------Illusion manipulationAbility informationCategory: illusionstype: Mental Usage informationproject illusions to Trick targets.Description: the special ability to create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. This makes predictable things like the weather easy for her to read. She has enhanced beauty beyond that of a typical vampire, and, like her husband, Emmett, her gift is only a slight boost over others of her kind. He is the . Contents 1 Explanation 2 Active talents 3 Passive talents 4 Categories Explanation Main article: Gifted humans This inconsistency is explained in a theory which states that Bella is part werewolf, as it is known that vampire powers tend to malfunction around werewolves. These powers are like Jane's, Alec's, Bella's etc. The Twilight Saga's Cullen family is gifted beyond that of a normal vampire coven. In The Twilight Saga, vampires are beautiful, sparkly, fast, strong and have a superior sense of smell, all of which contribute to their ability to hunt humans. The Cullens are a particularly gifted group. Her gift comes in handy repeatedly when an army of newborns attack Forks and Alice helps thwart the newly bitten vampires. These are the 10 strongest Twilight characters! But in unique ways that I hope will inspire readers to choose better twilight oc's powers. During the game of vampire baseball inTwilight, Esme informs Bella that Emmett hits the hardest, while Edward runs the fastest. Some powers are the same but with a different twist to them. Because of this, he ended up with the gift ofPhysical Petrification, that enables him to render his victims into a state of suspended animation during which they cannot die, and therefore can be treated before revived back into full health. The Twilight Saga is a series of vampire fantasy romance novels written by Stephanie Meyer. She was transformed by Carlisle on her deathbed, after attempting suicide following the loss of her baby to lung fever. Zafrina can project a vision into others' minds. Midnight Sun: Which Version Of The Story Is Better, Harry Potter & The Cursed Child Movie: Possible Cast, Confirmation Status, & Everything We Know, 7 Fairytale Princesses That Still Need Disney Adaptations, Steven Spielberg Is Right About Top Gun: Maverick's Success. Either because they have neither of qualities to be identified as one of them, or they have both, and thus impossible to classify. Also, even though vampires have gifts, some may take time to develop and decades, if not centuries, to improve. In New Moon, Jane used her ability in Bella to see if it would affect her, but Bella's shield blocked it. "The Twilight Saga"'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part 2) - 2012'Kate - All Scenes Powers & AbilitiesKate, true name Katrina, is a vegetarian vampire and. Renesmee: The half human-half vampire daughter of Bella and Edward, who can live on blood or human food, can transmit her thoughts to others by touching their skin. With objects they gain the knowledge including the makers, users, and even those who have on passing used the object, and what has been done with it. Jasper Cullen: Jasper, adopted by Carlisle and Esme Cullen, has the gift of controlling and manipulating the mood of those around him. If that wasn't enough recommendations for the 'bloodsuckers' (pardon the werewolf slang), some vampires have special abilities or super powers unique to them. InEclipse, Bella compares Edward's speed to Victoria's, saying 'she wheeled and flew like an arrow from a bow. He is able to welcome Royal, Eleanor, Archie and Jessamine into his home with open arms; as well as Beau, a human boy his daughter Edythe fell in love with. Corin uses her gift to make the wives feel happy while being trapped in their castle. Irina reports this to the Volturi, the vampire . There are also others which manifest physically and some which are based on human emotion. 1 / 2. Demetri: A master tracker, the Volturi guard can track anyone by knowing the tenors of their mind. She is able to welcome Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper into her home with open and caring arms; as well as Bella, a human girl her son Edward fell in love with. He also had the displeasure of reading. She also can't see anything involved with the werewolves/shape-shifters or vampire hybrids. Flight).Limitation: It is unknown how to resist users influence over someone, as it based within the mind instead of being physical, it can be blocked by Bella's Shield. They also have incredibly keen senses and are able to hear for miles and see in total darkness. Now that Renesmee and Jacob are eternally linked and entwined with the Cullens, her visions have been reduced to a party trick. Didyme: Marcus' wife who has the power to make others happy. He is the husband of Bella Swan and the father of Renesmee Cullen. In a room where he senses anxiety, he can easily calm others down and prevent a potentially harmful situation from getting out of hand. However, some vampires have additional special powers. Aro: One of the ancient Volturi guards, Aro can read every thought a person has ever had by making physical contact. With enough experience, she can follow tracks that are days or even weeks old. The more pronounced it was in human form, the stronger it becomes in vampire form. With objects they gain the knowledge including the makers, users, and even those who have on passing used the object, and what has been done with it. And, vampires, for all their supernatural abilities, have a number of . However there is one mind he cannot read - it's his human-girlfriend-turned-vampire-wife Isabella Cullen's. Although much more straining to her, Bella can also lift her shield off of her mind altogether. He can also keep track of people within a few miles using his gift. The Twilight Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Flight). Alice says she can see the future of vampires very clearly and humans less clearly. However, his defining power is telepathy, and unlike Aro, he doesnt need to touch his target to read their minds. These powers are like Jane's, Alec's, Bella's etc. The series has made the actors superstars and gained them a fervent fan following. In Breaking Dawn, Eleazar was the first person to identify Bella's ability as a shield even though he couldn't be specific because she was then unconsciously blocking her mind from him. Jane in "Breaking Dawn". But in unique ways that I hope will inspire readers to choose better twilight oc's powers. James could predict the most probable movements of his prey's next step and then follow his hunches to find them. In Twilight, vampiric powers like Edward and Aro's mind-reading and Jane's ability to cause intense pain with a glance do not work on Bella. Rosalie also has passive abilities, which are enhanced beauty and musical and mechanical talents. Upon physical contact while her gift is in use, depending on the power she puts into it, the person can feel as little as static shock or great enough to cause their knees to buckle and have them on their backs. Other classic vampire rules can be seen in Dracula. Copyright Network18 Media and Investments Ltd 2023. Mar 22, 2020 - Explore Alexis allen's board "Twilight vampire powers" on Pinterest. Every vampire in The Twilight Saga has powers, but out of all the Cullens, Jasper has the most intriguing and dangerous one. Marcus: Aro's brother who senses the strength and nature of relationships. The pain that Jane inflicts is described as being like "burning" inside of the victim. He developed the ability to sense and influence others' emotions as a vampire, which made it difficult for him to feed on humans. Here is when each Cullen became a vampire, and their powers ranked from least to most impressive. Bella is finally transformed in Breaking Dawn by Edward after nearly dying giving birth to their daughter, Renesmee. . Eleazarexplained that every gift is unique since gifts never work the same way because no one everthinks exactly the same way. In New Moon, Jane used her ability on Edward who tried to prevent her from using it on Bella. Jaspers power is one of the most interesting ones in the Twilight universe, as he can sense and change the emotions of those around him, though he has to be careful as to not create a false reality. Emmett believes that if Edward couldnt read minds, he could defeat him in combat, and he was defeated by newborn Bella in an arm-wrestling match, thanks to her new strength. Although her pain comes instantly, and his power takes a few seconds to fully incapacitate his target. The only one who can go through that shield is her daughter, who has the power of placing her own thoughts and images into the minds of others and penetrate mental defenses, such as Bellas. This results in influencing the target's psyche in one way or another. He was one of the strongest newborns in Victoria's army, and the other newborns were usually frightened by this. This, combined with centuries of medical studies, has allowed Carlisle to become an excellent doctor who is no longer tempted by the scent and presence of human blood, which is why he has been able to work as a doctor for so long. A majority of vampiric gifts affect the mind, but there have been exceptions as some powers work on the physical world, likeBenjamin'selemental control. The longer the contact, the more Aro is able to see others' thoughts. Certain vampires have special abilities gained or enhanced when they are turned. All rights reserved. Chelsea: Volturi guard who can change the emotional bonding of vampires and bind them to the Volturi through loyalty. It followed a high school teen named Bella Swan and her romance with the 104-year-old teen turned vampire Edward Cullen. However, he later learned he can survive on animal blood. My voice, my face, even my smell. It protects her from "gifts" that affect the mind. Kate has an enhanced sense of remorse, regretting everything she does and feeling guilty for every single person she kills. In some cases, a vampire may develop a gift based from their deepest and most repressed emotions rather than their strongest traits or characteristics. New Lord of the Rings Movies Announced by Warner Bros. Vampires don't have reflections in mirrors. Emmett's gift is extreme strength that surpasses a regular vampire. -Capabilities-The user can sense nearing dangers and sense unwanted or hectic threats to their well-being, acute danger, potential immediate danger, evade danger, and impending danger. When she's not writing, you can find her trying to learn a new language, watching hockey (go Avs! Heidi uses her gift to attract "food" for the Volturi. When someone has a particularly intense skill or characteristic, it heightens after their transformation. #powers Five of nine members . Because this talent doesn't effect Bella, the current most likely sends a signal to the brain which would be a similar effect to Jane's gift. ---------------------------------------------. In Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined, the coven is led by Sulpicia, Athenodora and Marcus after Aro and Caius were executed for treason. Kate can cover her body with an electrical current. However, she is low on the list because her gift doesn't work when werewolves or Renesmee are involved. This is proven by the differences in similar gifts among vampires, for exampleEdward andAro,BellaandRenata,JaneandAlec, orMaggieandCharles, Siobhan and Saemus, or Jane and Naomi. An ability that protects any part of the bearer is called a, An ability that finds a target is called a, Since Edward and certain other vampires possess abilities to "read" things, they can be considered, Vampires with the power to project a sort of illusion can be considered, Vampires who display powers that cause their targets to become addicted are considered, Vampires who create an influence around their target(s) are called, Vampires who can instantly traverse from place to place are called, Vampires who can send things or beings (But not themselves) away to a designated location are called, Vampires who can stop things or events happening, or stop people doing something, or Vampires, are known as ', Vampires who can foresee future events are called, Vampires who can move things physically are called, Vampires who are capable of establishing some form of link (mental or otherwise) between themselves and other beings, or linking other beings to each other, are called as, Vampires who can repair others are called. This not particularly a good ability, as the feeling of remorse can go as far as making her suicidal, depressed and very, very, guilty. After she transforms into a vampire, her gift only grows in power. This is probably the most common question amongst Twihards. Edward Cullen was born in 1901 and changed by Carlisle at age 17. Vampires who are capable of establishing some form of link (mental or otherwise) between themselves and other beings, or linking other beings to each other, are called as "Linkers". Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Emmett Cullen was born in 1915 and turned by Carlisle when he was 20 years old. In Life and Death, Bella's male counterpart, Beau Swan, is the one with this power. A large majority of vampiric gifts affect the mind, but there have been exceptions as some powers work on the physical world, like Benjamin's elemental control. Since Edward and a few other vampires can "read" minds, they are considered "mind readers"; also, vampires with the power to project a sort of illusion can be considered "illusionists". In Breaking Dawn, Jane tries to inflict her gift upon Bella, but like her twin Alec, cannot pass Bella's shield. As mentioned above, vampires in the world of Twilight are different from the legendary monsters, though they retained the basic characteristics of immortality and feeding from blood, whether human or animal. But what they lack in direct fighting, they make up for with ranged supportJane's mental powers let her mentally torture foes . Carlisle's gift is an elevated sense of compassion that allows him to resist human blood. His gift was underutilized in the books and films, which is a shame because he has the best gift among the Cullens. When a human is transformed into a vampire in the Twilight universe, their strongest human trait is heightened to a superpower level, and these traits can go from beauty (as was Rosalie's case) to reading minds (Edward's talent) or shielding others from powers that affect the mind (like Bella). The rarest type, at the hands of skillful master, Metaphysical gifts can prove to be quite powerful. With living beings or parts of the body the user learns their general life-history, but doesn't gain anything of what they were thinking or feeling.---------------------------------------------Gravitational DownforceAbility informationCategory: InfluenceType: PhysicalUsage informationHinder the movements of others.description: The ability to drastically increase the gravity in a given area, making moving or even standing difficult for targets in it, possibly causing damage to the targeted area/targets, prompting the ground to crack and cave in, crushing the targets.Power Limitations: Radius of the ability maybe limited.Mostly affects anything indiscriminately in the targeted area.---------------------------------------------(Vocal Charisma) PersuasionAbility informationCategory: Influence type: MentalUsage informationCommand others to do your bidding via voice.Description: The Ability to Control people with the use of the voice.-Capabilities- The User can compel people by speaking, the victims are unable to disobey; the seemingly cogent commandment is far too compelling. - - Edward's telepathy also allows him to take advantage of the gifts of those around him. Mental The most common classification. Edythe found most of the minds of kids in Forks High School to be unimaginative but he couldn't hear what Bella was thinking at all. Our vampire hero of the Twilight series has the unique ability to read minds. When Kate hunts, she will go for a human, kill, drink, feel remorse, then switch to an animal. Since the Swan family has passed down mental abilities for three generations, it has been speculated that gifts might be passed down genetically, though influence of intrauterine environment during pregnancy and upbringing during infancy and teen years may also be important. In Breaking Dawn, when she caught the scent of human hikers while hunting, she manages to retain control of herself and run away from the scent while holding her breath. Although at first it was quite hard for her to maintain her coverage of others, she was soon able to cover a great distance and a large number of people with ease. As if I would need any of that. Because of this, she would often go out to find and attract "food" for the Volturi. Jasper Hale was born in 1844 and changed into a vampire by warlord Maria in 1863. Designer Clothes, Shoes & Bags for Women | SSENSE, 19 Details From The "Twilight" Movies You Might've Missed The First Time, Twilight Preferences, One-shots And Imagines (Requests are open) - A/N. She has no special gifts. They include "Twilight," "New Moon," "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn," which were published and later adapted into films. He physically manipulates brain chemistry, so Bella's shield is unable to block him. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. She can manipulate her shield to protect others, and she can temporarily remove the shield to allow her husband, Edward, to read her mind. It was great. This caused him to collapse on the floor in imaginary pain. The leader of the Cullen clan and father figure to Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett,Carlisle was the first of the family to be transformed and thus the one who transformed most of his children. Kate: This vampire from the Denali coven can produce an electric current over her skin that can incapacitate her attackers. Eleazar: A former member of the Volturi guard, Eleazar can identify the gifts of other vampires. The better he knows someone, the farther his telepathic range for them is. Talents are also shown to be genetic, as seen by Bella Swan who inherited her mental shield from her father. User can not make victims achieve what they are not capable of (ex. One way or another 's speed to Victoria 's army, and his power takes few! Skillful master, Metaphysical gifts can prove to be quite powerful is low the... Or characteristic, it takes them centuries to master them repeatedly when an army of newborns attack Forks and helps... 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