I didnt smoke ecigs for a while but when I started again I was sick.I thought about an allergy but everywhere I read that it mostly causes skin reactions. I noticed if I get it on one leg the other leg is almost the same, also arms etc, my skin on 100% of my body is dry and looks like 80 year old skin, if you look closely its all scaly and wrinkled, everywhere! The not being able to swallow sometimes is what is truly scary. The one certainty with giving up ecigs and going back to ciggies is you will end up very ill, not today, not tomorrow but one day. Worst experience of quitting ever, I never want to vape again to me its a toxic poison that took away from my life, in all honesty I hope the shit gets banned I wont care Ill never touch the crap again. It needs to be treeded as poison. No more health problems- allergies, systemic fungal skin infection. Be sure that your earring backings also are made of hypoallergenic materials. I went back to smoking when batteries went dead. The human body is trying to get rid of the toxins in anyway it can, usually causing red skin bumps and lesions. I looked all over the Internet and found only the opposite explanations. Ive started sleeping with a vaporizer, that has helped some. ITCHY IN MA PLEASE TELL ME IF ANYONE KNOWS ABOUT THIS HAVE 4 MONTHS CIG FREE. One Google search vaping + mosquito bites and Voila! Started to get worried after a year. Srose, I believe it is nicotine allergy cause I was smoking regular cig and then e-cig and the headaches and neck pain come back shortly after taking a drag from either. How long before they subside? flavor. I hope others here can find the will power to stop as this is not worth it. Joseph, you are rude. You notice that you start to feel nauseous when you are handling the e juice and it gets on ur fingers? Nothing worked except quitting vaping. As described above, SNAS frequently shows up with cutaneous signs, such as SCD, and extra-cutaneous ones, including respiratory (rhinitis and asthma) and neurological (headache) symptoms and general manifestations (fever, fibromyalgia, joint pain, chronic-fatigue syndrome, etc. A few months ago I started getting this dry flaky rash on my forehead with blotchy red patches on my face. Smoked for 30 years. Or how much I scrutinised my diet. Also chest feels weird at times and mucus drips constantly in back of throat. I have had same exact symtoms and scroured the net for a while before I found this place I thought I was completely alone everyone and the doctors just thought I was full of shit I have lost relationships over this while in extreme pain. It may take repeated or prolonged exposure to items containing nickel to develop a nickel allergy. So have just decided an hour ago I am quitting the ecig !! You cab quit vaping. Youre lying. My breathing also get really bad over the nearly ~3 years of usage of e-cigs. I suspect this is an issue with the device. Hope I improve. im allergic to the perfume they put in soap. Excessive sleeping My head is clearing up and the elephant that has been living on my chest isnt so bad today. Dianne, HI I BEEN VAPING 4 MONTH Pressing on it hurts. @Morag Funnily enough no, I found another one that worked. I had to stop because it burnt my mouth, throat and wind pipe. I started vaping around the first of the year. First and foremost, for the record I am not being paid by anyone or company to post this comment. Foods with Nickel. Do Not Start Smoking them. As I said my skin goes red and rose and mega warm to touch but in 15min or so it disappears? I went to the Doctor who diagnosed Hives and prescribed steroids and antihistamine. Is there something that a doctor could test for and something like allergy shots that I could get? Even with low 6mg liquid they are effectively upping their nicotine intake 50x even 100x. We do accept free e-cigarettes and accessories, but strictly for review purposes, and that does not influence our opinions of the products. The pharmacist gave me antihistamines and 1% hydrocortisone cream which takes it away probably 70%, still random itches on arms and legs. Wishing you luck and hope this helps. I recommend those experiencing mouth issues should rinse after every vape with mouthwash, saltwater, or hydrogen peroxide. IF YOU BLAME THE ENTIRE ECIG, THEY WILL NEVER FIND THE CULPRIT AND THEY *WILL* BE BANNED. My right eyelid now is twitching, sometimes the eyebrow as well. after using e-cannabis tips for 2 hours, I started feeling a pain in my chest like a pulled muscle. I recently started a itching, hives on my face and arms.I am now wondering if the camping is causing it? Im going to an allergist specialist now and all they want to do is blood work I have up the vapo months ago and still going thru health issues. Do we know, precisely, what is the metallurgical composition of these heating coils? Has anyone found a solution ? I have no idea if the vaping affected the clotting issue but I do wonder if the skin and scalp problems are, in fact, the cause of my horrible skin problems. However, during this time, I have developed an eczema type rash over and under both eyelids. Has anyone experienced similar problems. Heart and circulation: Chest pain, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. The now solution v.g is g.m.o free and very gentle. After reading the comments left on this site I have reached two conclusions. The old smoke till youre sick is no myth. These symptoms can disrupt your daily life, by causing discomfort, sleep loss, and lower productivity at work. Stainless steel same thing, has Chrome. Vaping is when you use a handheld device to breathe in a mist ("vapor"). I tried to not vape, and it felt better. So obviously the time has come to stop. I had severe rashes, bumps and hives on my trunk and neck. I have been on the e cig for 2 months. Boo hoo. Last night I caped for an hour or so and within 3 hours broke out in appalling itching. As with other allergies, nickel allergy develops when your immune system views nickel as a harmful, rather than harmless substance. Hard to quit these things but will have to for a couple of days at least. Thanks. As a reminder, every e liquid bottle carries the toxic sign, unless it contains no nicotine. During this time I have been taken to ICU for blood clots twice and was in hospital 5 to 6 days to treat the clot issue. I am also taking other medicines that I started a few months ago, so Im trying to eliminate one thing at a time. Was given antibiotics and sent home. It could be nicotine withdrawal. But now Im freaking out because I have nothing! It might be the nicotine if you have any. ), and I wake up with muscle aches especially worse in neck and shoulder. A feeling of something beeing extremely wrong. What device did you use? I have just seen this page. Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. I quit vaping completely for a year or more and then tired it again and the bugs are back. Drink plenty of water, might just be me but I get dehydrated when vaping. Vape On!!!! X ray done chest scan blood samples ecg the full works conclusion nothing wrong!!!! All my bloodwork came back fine. How long before the symptoms subside? My diet smoothie and chloraseptic. I have been to the doctor and had blood tests and they have come back with a raised white cell count possibly nothing to do with the itchy skin and I have been issued with 180mg antihistamines but today is the first day I have not used the cig so fingers crossed. The itching after I scratched the bumps becomes incredible swollen and sore and like someone else said, I want to crawl out of my skin. Last cig April 6. Its day 3 since stopping the ecig and while I feel it is improving to some degree (red patches fading on neck but still slightly visible and scaley, chest still pink, shoulders burning) it is still there. I scratched so much they bled. Its our ecig vapourizing the eliquid that is changing the chemical components. I used to smoke more than a pack a day and since day one i had my itaste e-cig i haven`t touched a real cig !! MaryAnne i would like to here more about your inability to swallow. I bought a Blu pod system recently and have been using that to curb my nic cravings by taking a few puffs when i feel the urge. He gave me amoxicilin, seroids etc for all my complaints. Suddenly it hit me, I could be developing an allergy to something! Well I never had any itchy problems or any problems I have mild asthma. So you prefer 4000 other chemicals in cigarettes as your preferred poison? I will find out for sure after going a few dadays without vaping. I finally deduced that all of this started when I switched to ecigs. The lower photo shows nickel allergy from metal in clothing, such as a belt buckle. It could be either an allergic reaction or a stress reaction to a histamine reaction. been vaping since the 1st of jan 4 last 8 weeks really bad spots in mouth an white patches also stopped two days ago things getting better now any 1 else had same. I started using ecig about a month ago and after 2 weeks I suddenly felt very bad. Then along with this I started getting painful raised bumps on my scalp .. all over my scalp and down my neck. Some vapers are allergic to PG, but it's possible to be allergic to the other components of e-liquid too. Ive been using e cigs for about 2 years now, and Im in agony with my stomach and throat, the acid I think has caused a stomach ulcer from the sharp pains Im getting and my throat feels like theres a lump in it all the time. I got into vaping almost 6 weeks ago. Because of scratching, this got worse and worse, and I ended up with hideous open sores. Wait a minute, today I vaped! Look for jewelry made from such metals as nickel-free stainless steel, surgical-grade stainless steel, titanium, 18-karat yellow gold, or nickel-free yellow gold and sterling silver. So I only vape when i drink, every time I vape it feels like i have bug crawling on me. I had scratched so hard that it bled. Soo know I Quit vapping the Symtom slowly gone and i feeling better. I intend to wean off of them to see if that what I causing the itch. I love that vaping has weened me off of tobaccos, and will try eliminating P.G. Bit confused whether the react in is nicotine overdose or allergy to componant in the juice tho . These people may include bartenders, people who work in certain food industries and domestic cleaners. They say it takes at least a month for body to expel that crap. Thread starter Slurve; Start date Aug 10, 2015; Tagged users None Slurve. The doc (not knowing the cause) told me to take one every day for a month to see if it clears up and it did but Id rather not have to be taking meds every day! i enjoy ecigs havtried all kinds of vg to pg.same reaction. I had that motherfucker cleaned so bad it was close to animal abuse! Ive experienced shortness of breathe many times I get kankor sores once a week glad to know Im not the only one with problems I think this will help me quit smoking for good. May 7/14, if u vap to much u get nicotine overdose max per day 2ml of 12mg/ml, I have been using egig same brand for about a year 2 months ago I got big blister on leg thought from slipping on ice well to date i have had 4 different ones been to 2 docs they did cultures no virus shows up im wondering if it is the ecig I have not smoked a real cig in 1 year but if this is from the PG I am going to see what another brand does they dont tell you how much PG or what kind is in it but that is the only thing i can think of that has changed going from cig to ecig if this has happened to anyone please post so i can see if im not the only one magic mist brand. They were great when I ask which ones they made without PG. Regulated (Voltage / Wattage / 3.7v/ Temp Control) . I feel so much better. Hi jan just curious to see if your hives and swelling did stop after you stopped vaping. Some foods that contain high amounts of nickel include soy products, peas, canned foods, cocoa powder, clams and cashews. I started vaping to get off of oral tobacco (dipping). Basically after reading everyones posts, I guess Im done vaping :/ now to pray my mouth and lips stop burning! !people where i work smoke it inside workplace and i noticed even non-vapers have the same symptoms so i started a daily routine witch seem to help a lot: I wash my face and inside of nose/ears with water few times a day and put hydrating creme before going to bed and before leaving for work in the morning!! Or change brand ? But I can attest that after several months of no e-cigs, Im back to my normal allergy problems. By the four month mark there was mild burning of my face. The rest of the night I had very little sleep and awoke with swollen eyelids and a very itchy rash on my hands, palms and thighs. It feels fizzy at the top of my head with pressure in the centre and sometimes sides. I quit e cig and it all stopped. its got so bad I had to visit the GP who has told me to stop it straight away, and given me antibiotics? Thought it was PG now it happens with VG. Well, instead of feeling better, Ive been getting worse! I didnt realise the connection for a long time, but in the two years that followed: I developed cold sores for the first time in my life. Also, barely able to sleep. I quit smoking 3months ago and started using VIP ecigs 2weeks later. Another one thought: People that INCREASE mods over time are taking in a lot more vapor than the early starter kit they once had at first. Ive got to be done for my lifes sake, The scaley itchy skin on my face and upper arms is definitely from vaping. I can cape the e-digs at my desk with no complaints. Why only american? Phone: 1-800-CDC-INFO 888-232-6348 (TTY) Email: Contact CDC-INFO. Another thing you have to understand is that you dont have to be a new e-cigarette user to experience vaping-related health issues. First off mad crazy itching all over my body and when I do scratch it leaves my skin bright red and I often look like I have been attacked by something. When I vape too much;my whole face swells. Accessed April 30, 2021. I actually thought it was the pain pills i am on that were faulty. The Itching! However, the bumps on the back of my head are still there and I noticed yesterday that my left eyebrow has started to itch, the same feeling as on the back of my head. Nickel allergy is a condition in which contact with items containing nickel causes an itchy rash and possibly blisters at the site of contact. 5. I do like that it only took two days of using the eCig to quit smoking. any advice PLEASE. The symptoms of nickel allergy can be mild, or severe enough to be disabling. headache. Its entering your blood through your skin and your body is getting sick. And they appeared alone in places that bed bugs typically cant get to (at my butt when wearing think underwear and pants), very confusing! I now aim to refrain totally from electronic cigarettes. I have never felt better in over 14 months of hell trying to figure out what the hell was going on with my body.Just quit vaping- please!I dont want anyone else to go through what i went through.Analog cigs never did that to me. My collection is high quality, modern and beautiful! I to have about 10 plus ulcers in my mouth-ecigs been put away in cubard,good bye to that.. yet? 200. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2012 - 2020 Vape Ranks - All rights reserved. Also having some sort of issue with allergic reaction. The itchy rash was happening maybe two or three times a week to varying degrees and the swelling has only happened three times, the first was quite mild and it went away fairly quickly and did not disfigure me much. I hate this feeling and Im at work should I discontinue use or maybe Im getting sick? It reoccured 5 more times within 2 months until I figured out that it was from the PEG/PG in the cannabis tips mainly because I had used them in the past with no issues. Its still too early to tell if its helping my other symptoms. Dr said the chemicals can build up in your system and take time to clean out. I stopped vaping completely and everything went away after 3 days. GOOD LUCk!!!!!!! In: Middleton's Allergy: Principles and Practice. Started vaping June 2014 w the V3 eGo Spinner using various flavoured e-liquids from VapeShop of 9-12mg of nicotine, 30 % VG / 70% PC All was well the first 3 wks. I have had an itchy rash on my body, dizziness, heart palpitations and badly itching scalp followed by severely thinning hair., lack off appetite and sinus problems. I went to see my doctor at some point. Chamblee, GA 30341-3717. https://vaperanks.com/am-i-allergic-to-electronic-cigarettes/#comment-68065. Oh, yes, and now I have rosacea and permanently red eyes. Unbelievable work environment. My problem is shortness of breath, when walking. 1. ellebread 1 yr. ago. So know its not from a withdrawl or anything. I hope you are all feeling better. Im now on day 3 with Nicorette spray to quit the vaping habit because I vaped (responsibly) 12mg ejuice. All these replies down low are a crock of shit posted by tobaccy companies! The main treatment is avoiding contact with nickel-releasing metals, such as inexpensive jewelry. Change the PG/VG ratio of your vape juice. So Im dosing all day everywhere. Treatments can reduce the symptoms of nickel allergy. I quit vaping altogether, threw away my TopBox Mini, ending my short and sweet but painful journey with vaping. Hypersensitivity to nickel can develop after . Its now October, Ive stopped e cig for 3 weeks now and skin is just starting to heal. so have been using vg from a reputable shop. Absolute Beginners/New members. Vaping has revolutionized smoking and big tobacco companies are taking HUGE losses. I dont know how much longer I can take it. I strongly feel that anyone who has these or other allergies fro E cigs should use it as a positive to QUIT. I will mix organic kosher glycerine 60% 20% boiled water, 20%everclear or 90 proof vodka, then 100% organic flavoring it really limits your choices of flavoring but Im sick of my face nose and throat burning ! This is a little shocking. Sheri, HI, HAVE BEEN VEPING FOR 2 YEARS AND HAVE BEEN UNWLL A LOT OF THAT TIMR MAINLY THROAT COUGH AND SINUS PROBLEMS ,WISH I COULD FIND VEGETABLE GLYCERIN OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED DONT WANT TO BUY OILS JUST CARTRIGES ,SURE THEY WILL BE OUT ONE DAY IN THE MEANTIME GOING WITHOUT, please tell me if you figured out anything about the vaping Bites and Voila ; Tagged users None Slurve wind pipe drink, every e liquid bottle carries toxic. Take it like that it only took two days of using the ecig!!!!!!!... Scan blood samples ecg the full works conclusion nothing wrong!!!!!!!!!... Weeks now and nickel allergy vaping is just starting to heal / 3.7v/ Temp Control ) using vg from withdrawl. Ecig to quit the vaping habit because i have reached two conclusions these! Now to pray my mouth and lips stop burning symptoms of nickel include soy,. No more health problems- allergies, nickel allergy from metal in clothing, such a. 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