aabb guidelines for therapeutic phlebotomy

Treatment of hypertension in older adults, particularly isolated systolic hypertension. border-width:0; In a Cochrane review, Wang and Dwan (2013) evaluated risks and benefits of chronic blood transfusion regimens in people with sickle cell disease to prevent first stroke or recurrences. After transplantation of a hemosiderotic liver, it is important to monitor the recipient in terms of iron overload and toxicity. Int J Clin Pract. Position: Donor Program Technician I BWH Pathology. Implanted central venous access ports for therapeutic phlebotomy in patients with HFE hemochromatosis and other non-thalassemia iron overload disorders J Vasc Access . This Clinical Policy Bulletin contains only a partial, general description of plan or program benefits and does not constitute a contract. Inati A, Kahale M, Sbeiti N, et al. More common than you think. Minimum two years' experience. 2016). Using comprehensive outcomes was also the common problems of most RCTs of traditional Chinese medicine published in Chinese. Hepatology. Key questions were selected according the criterion of clinical relevance. Target levels of phlebotomy should be a ferritin level of 50 to 100 g/L. The authors concluded that parents of 13/14 children receiving phlebotomy wished to switch to deferasirox, with 1/14 being satisfied with phlebotomy. Summarell and Sheehan (2016) stated that hydroxyurea is an excellent therapeutic agent for the pharmacological induction of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). color:#eee; During the study period, the annual numbers of hospitalization days were respectively 20, 5,6 and 1. Inati et al (2017) stated that iron overload is well documented in patients with beta-thalassemia major, and patients who have undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) remain at risk as a result of pre- and immediate post-HSCT transfusions. Since phlebotomy is effective in controlling PV by producing a state of relative or absolute iron deficiency, iron supplementation should not be given. 1997;18(12):1973-1976. One possible explanation is that the higher hematocrit in these syndromes may contribute to an increase in blood viscosity, leading to vaso-occlusive pain episodes as well as an increased incidence of thrombo-embolic complications and retinopathy. Bouchair et al (2000) reported the findings of sickle cell disease patients who suffered from frequent painful crises and were submitted to phlebotomies in order to reduce hospitalization days due to pain. Cook LS. } Attendees can visit the, AABB recently published a collection of unique resources designed to support members in their professions. Patients with hemochromatosis and iron overload should be monitored for re-accumulation of iron and undergo maintenance phlebotomy. If no treatable cause is found, phlebotomy can be considered. 1986;4(2):297-309. Sixth, precipitation of sodium urate-iron crystals in the joints due to high ferritin and saturated transferrin and low CuZn-SOD and Cu-thionein in the joint. The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases' clinical practice guideline on "Diagnosis and management of hemochromatosis" (Bacon et al, 2011) provided the following recommendations: Barbui and colleagues (2011) presented a review of critical concepts and produced recommendations on the management of Philadelphia-negative classical myeloproliferative neoplasms, including monitoring, response definition, first- and second-line therapy, and therapy for special issues. Compared with anti-hypertensive drugs, blood pressure (BP) was significantly reduced by BLT (RR = 1.21, 95 % CI: 1.01 to 1.44, p = 0.03; heterogeneity: p = 0.06, I2 = 60 %) and BPAD (RR = 1.25, 95 % CI: 1.02 to 1.53, p = 0.03; heterogeneity: p = 0.01, I2 = 71 %). Optimal control is to keep the hematocrit below 45 %in men and 42 % in women. Length of treatment varied between 6 and 12 months. The investigator cited a study (Facchini, 2003) showing that use of phlebotomy to maintain NID levels in patients with hyperuricemia was associated with a marked decrease in the incidence and severity of gouty attacks. Semin Hematol. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. For additional language assistance: Phlebotomy, therapeutic (separate procedure), Collection of venous blood by venipuncture, Injection interferon beta-1b, 0.25 mg (code may be used for Medicare when drug administered under direct supervision of a physician, not for use when drug is self-administered), Injection, interferon alfacon-1, recombinant, 1 mcg, Interferon alfa-2A, recombinant, 3 million units, Interferon alfa-2B, recombinant, 1 million units, Interferon alfa-N3, (human leukocyte derived), 250,000 IU, Injection, interferon beta-1a, 1 mcg for intramuscular use, Injection, pegylated interferon alfa-2a, 180 mcg per ml, Injection, pegylated interferon alfa-2b, 10 mcg per 0.5 ml, Home injectable therapy; interferon, including administrative services, professional pharmacy services, care coordination, and all necessary supplies and equipment (drug and nursing visits coded separately), per diem, Abnormal level of blood mineral [non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with hyperferritinemia][not covered for hyperferritinemia in alcohol liver disease], Chronic myeloid leukemia, BCR/ABL-positive and negative, Essential (hemorrhagic) throbocythemia [unless with Polycythemia vera], Myelofibrosis [unless with Polycythemia vera], Multiple sclerosis (MS) [progressive multiple sclerosis], Alcoholic liver disease [hyperferritinemia in alcohol liver disease]. ~B\ ~!n(]X. Charnow (2018) noted that previous research suggested a plausible link between iron and gout, and ferritin stores excess iron, and urate acts as an iron chelator. Perloff JK, Rosove MH, Child JS, Wright GB. Pediatr Blood Cancer. Recurrent thrombosis in patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia: Incidence, risk factors, and effect of treatments. Subsequently, the identification of several other mutated genes in MPN has shown that the pathogenesis is complex and that the JAK2V617F mutation is a critical, but not the only step leading to the uncontrolled proliferation in MPN including PV. The authors concluded that the STOP trial demonstrated a significantly reduced risk of stroke in participants with abnormal transcranial Doppler ultrasonography velocities receiving regular blood transfusions. Garza I, Schwedt TJ. Toronto, ON: CACHNET; 2002. Adverse effects with deferasirox were skin rash, gastro-intestinal (GI) upset, and increased liver function tests (all n = 1), while those for phlebotomy were difficulty with venous access (n = 4) and distress during procedure (n = 1). text-decoration: line-through; Grossman ME, Poh-Fitzpatrick MB. A total of 11 clinical trial papers involving 826 cases of migraine were included in the present paper; 3 of them were high-quality researches, and the other 8 were low quality researches. stream Xiong X-J, Wang P-Q, Li S-J. .newText { Pilot studies suggested that HCV-infected patients with elevated concentrations of iron in the blood and liver are less likely to respond to interferon, and that the response could be enhanced with iron reduction. } Overview of hypertension in adults. A patients guide to phlebotomy. Efficacy and safety of phlebotomy to reduce transfusional iron overload in adult, long-term survivors of acute leukemia. Blood-letting therapy (BL) is a CAM therapy that has been used for over 2,000 years to treat various diseases. OL OL LI { The mean follow-up was 566 days. to advance the field through the development and delivery of standards, accreditation and education programs. The JAK2V617F mutation, a point mutation in the tyrosine kinase gene JAK2 (Janus Kinase 2), has emerged as a central feature in the pathogenesis of MPN. Thus, this disorder requires an aggressive therapeutic approach to achieve iron depletion. There are currently no systematic reviews of blood-letting therapy for chronic urticaria. @ @ @De{~!De:Wg4{Aug|9d|O~RYST& @ @ @` *3]Acu/1YD*8Ls5bVC%/OFg*_k %@ @ @ YTfl Omaha, NE: eMedicine.com; updated April 8, 2002. 2010;30(1):18-20. Juvenile hemochromatosis associated with B-thalassemia treated by phlebotomy and recombinant human erythropoietin. Franchini M, Veneri D. Hereditary hemochromatosis. } The changes induced by the treatment were assessed by clinical scores, biological tests, and neurophysiological study of cortical excitability using transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques. Berlin NI. Gout risk possibly linked to iron intake. Blood Cells Mol Dis. These researchers carried out a review of TP requests for individuals on TRT at their BC over a 3-year period from 2014 through 2016, as well as the total number of TP collections. Buy Copyright 2006 by the Infusion Nurses Society Full Text Access for Subscribers: Hemochromatosis. After treatment, blood UA decreased significantly in the 2 groups (both p < 0.01), the observed group being lower than the control group (p < 0.01). UpToDate [online serial]. High-risk patients with PV should be managed with phlebotomy, low-dose aspirin, and cytoreduction, with either hydroxyurea or interferon at any age. Rochester, MN: Mayo Clinic; January 2000; Ch. Target levels of phlebotomy should be a ferritin level of 50 to 100 g/L. Kim and Oh (2016) stated that therapeutic phlebotomy is the preferred treatment for blood disorders in which the removal of RBCs or serum iron is the most efficient method for managing the symptoms and complications. A total of 6prospective RCTs were identified: all used sustained viral response (SVR) as an endpoint. Lottenberg R, Hassell KL. Patient 4 had no anemia and no coding region mutations in HFE, TFR2, HAMP, FPN1, HJV, or ALAS2. 2018;20(2):195-199. The original articles were searched in accordance with a pre-defined standards (simple pricking blood treatment, or the pricking blood therapy was the principal approach), while those about other diseases (such as cerebrovascular disease, cervical spondylosis, etc.) There was a positive correlation of log(10) serum ferritin and the quantity of iron removed by phlebotomy (p = 0.0371). Matrix Group International, Inc. Du and colleagues (2014) evaluated the therapeutic effect of pricking blood therapy for migraine. Yesterday, I went back to the same blood bank to do a donation, and a new staff worker tells me: "We don't allow donations for people on Testosterone therapy". Borgaonkar MR.Hemochromatosis. Early attempts to lower iron burden including chelation therapy and/or phlebotomy should be considered to avoid organ toxicity and transplant failure. The Endocrine Society guidelines suggest stopping therapy if the hematocrit increases to 54 %. Phlebotomy (therapeutic bleeding) is a controlled removal of a large volume (usually a pint or more) of blood. The above policy is based on the following references: Last Review Can Fam Physician. Current management in polycythemia vera. Hyperferritinemia attributable to iron overload is resolved by therapeutic phlebotomy. The three new AABB Guides cover key guidelines on patient blood management (PBM) and pneumatic tube delivery systems. One-year results from a prospective randomized trial comparing phlebotomy with deferasirox for the treatment of iron overload in pediatric patients with thalassemia major following curative stem cell transplantation. Annual TP collections for patients on TRT were 193, 212, and 239, respectively. In a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs, these researchers examined the safety and effectiveness of blood-letting therapy for the treatment of chronic urticaria. Methods: These guidelines are based on a systematic review of randomized, clinical trials and observational studies (1900 to September 2014) that reported clinical outcomes on patients receiving prophylactic or therapeutic platelet . Johnson S. Effect of gradual accumulation of iron, molybdenum and sulfur, slow depletion of zinc and copper, ethanol or fructose ingestion and phlebotomy in gout. Furthermore, an UpToDate review on Testosterone treatment of male hypogonadism (Snyder, 2021) states that The hematocrit should be measured after 3 to 6 months after initiating testosterone treatment and then yearly. Omaha, NE: eMedicine.com; updated August 11, 2002. Diagnosis, management, and differentiation from other hepatic porphyrias. The hematocrit should be reevaluated 2 months after the decrease or discontinuation. Moreover, the authors stated that confirmation of this will require RCT with detailed pre-treatment iron studies and appropriately powered to demonstrate a statistically significant benefit. Adjarov D, Donov M, Ivanov E, Naidenova E. Phlebotomy treatment in porphyria cutanea tarda combined with beta-thalassaemia. 2016;7:139-144. Hemochromatosis (including hereditary hemochromatosis); Individuals receiving testosterone therapy if hematocrit is greater than or equal to 54 % (or hemoglobin is greater than or equal to 180 g/L); Non-hereditary hemochromatosis iron overload with elevated hepatic iron concentration; Chronic hepatitis C (adjunctive therapy with interferon), Hyperferritinemia in alcohol liver disease, Myeloproliferative disorders without polycythemia vera, removal of 1 unit (450 to 500 ml) of blood weekly until the serum ferritin level is 10 to 20 ug/L, and. The authors concluded that on the basis of diet intervention, electro-acupuncture plus blood-letting puncture and cupping was a better therapy for AGA. In addition, the association develops informational documents and guidance regarding a wide range of clinical and technical topics facing transfusion medicine providers. Second, UA over-production from ATP degradation. 2016 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the guidelines recommend the use of more restrictive hemoglobin thresholds for transfusion and standard-issue rather than fresh RBCs. 2002;2(3):330-336. The authors stated that adequately powered RCTs with detailed pre-treatment iron studies should be considered to evaluate phlebotomy as an adjunct to pegylated IFN, with or without ribavirin. The AABB Board of Directors commissioned a committee of experts to draft clinical practice guidelines. The 2022 AABB Virtual Meeting will be Nov. 6-7. American Gastroenterological Association medical position statement on the management of hepatitis C. Gastroenterology. In: Mayo Clinic Cardiology Review Book. This Clinical Policy Bulletin may be updated and therefore is subject to change. Web Design and Development by Wang WC, Dwan K. Blood transfusion for preventing primary and secondary stroke in people with sickle cell disease. @media print { Therapeutic phlebotomy is used to remove excess iron and maintain low normal body iron stores in patients with hemochromatosis. Educational Information. Moreover, they stated that ongoing multi-center trials are investigating the use of chronic transfusion to prevent silent infarcts, the use of hydroxyurea as an alternative to transfusion in children with abnormal transcranial Doppler ultrasonography velocities, and the use of hydroxyurea to prevent conversion of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography velocities from conditional (borderline) to abnormal values. These investigators stated that therapeutic phlebotomy was feasible and effective, and would prevent complications of iron overload. The mean number of pellets administered was 12 (range of 6 to 16). guidelines provide pragmatic advice to assist clinicians in making decisions about the use of red blood cell transfusions. Therapeutic phlebotomy: A review of diagnoses and treatment considerations. Moreover, they stated that these preliminary data are encouraging to design a larger, controlled trial to assess the value of such a strategy to improve functional symptoms in PMS patients, and maybe to prevent axonal degeneration. eMedicine Dermatology Topic 344. Facchini FS. Omaha, NE: eMedicine.com; updated September 12, 2002. Survival is near-normal in ET and reasonably long in PV. ol.numberedList LI { What You Will Need: Bachelors Degree. Matrix Group International, Inc. 2019;25(2):139-146. Fatima T, McKinney C, Major TJ, et al. A time for consensus? De Stefano V, Za T, Rossi E, et al; GIMEMA CMD-Working Party. 2004;44(6):833-837. The authors concluded that the incidence of secondary polycythemia while on T pellet therapy may be higher than previously established. The author examined whether or not iron removal may improve the outcome of gouty arthritis (GA) in humans as well. border-radius: 4px; The Association works collaboratively A trial of phlebotomy to reduce viscosity in patients with higher hematocrit values should be considered as an intervention for symptomatic patients with sickle cell disease. The median time to development of polycythemia whereby 50 % of patients developed polycythemia was 50 months. UpToDate [online serial]. Moreover, a significant improvement in Chinese medicine syndrome by BLT (RR = 1.32; 95 % CI: 1.14 to 1.53, p = 0.0002; heterogeneity: p = 0.53, I2 = 0 %) and BPAD (RR = 1.47; 95 % CI: 1.06 to 2.04, p = 0.02; heterogeneity: p = 0.13, I2 = 56 %) was identified. Email: WrBClinicalServices@weareblood.org Phone: 512-206-1265 Fax: 512-206-1365 The authors concluded that the therapeutic effect of this therapy was satisfactory for AGA. 2008;22(8):1494-1502. Treatments with therapeutic phlebotomy and hydroxyurea are associated with improved overall survival and decreased risk of thrombosis in older patients with polycythemia vera, according to a. 1.1 To safely remove a specific amount of blood from a patient with a clinical indication as ordered. (a) Any person who performs a therapeutic phlebotomy shall obtain a blood bank license before offering the service. Franchini M, Gandini G, Veneri D, et al. 2022 All Rights Reserved. The included articles were examined for bias risk by using the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool. patients is blood donation or phlebotomy. Statistical analysis was performed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis version 2.0. } list-style-type: lower-roman; Last Review09/21/2022. Circulation. Bajwa ZH, Smith JH. The phlebotomy plus IFN group and the IFN group did not differ with respect to the percentage of patients with cirrhosis or genotype 1. Omaha, NE: eMedicine.com; updated December 18, 2001. The authors concluded that the clinical phenotypes and hemochromatosis genotypes of adults who developed iron overload after ingesting iron supplements over long periods were heterogeneous. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci. Reduction of iron load by venesection seems to be a simple, safe, side-effect-free, and efficient way of preventing and ameliorating to a large extent painful crises in sickle cell disease. The authors stated that this study had several drawbacks. Prevention of sickle cell crises with multiple phlebotomies. Percent dense red blood cells (%DRBC) were measured via an ADVIA hematology analyzer. AABB recently published a collection of unique resources designed to support members in their professions. The three new, Regulatory for Blood and Blood Components, Government Advisory & Regulatory Meetings, Early-Career Scientific Research Grants Program, AABB Accredited Blood Banks, Transfusion Services, and Blood Centers, AABB Accredited Relationship (DNA) Testing Facilities, AABB Babesiosis Risk-Based Decision-Making Assessment Report, Highlights of Transfusion Medicine History, Certified Advanced Biotherapies Professional (CABP), Evaluating Donors for Risk of Ebola Virus Infection, Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell, Apheresis and Marrow Donor History Questionnaire, Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell, Cord Blood Donor History Questionnaire, Whole Blood and Red Blood Cell Components, Regulatory Updates and Resources for Blood and Blood Components, Human T-Lymphotropic Virus, Types I and II, Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee, FDA Liaison Meetings - Blood and Blood Components, Cellular Therapies Meetings and Collaborations, AABB Biotherapies Corporate Member Program, AABB Foundation Award for Innovative Research, AABB Future Leader Scholarship Awards Program, AABB Guide to Blood Recovery and Reinfusion in Surgery and Trauma. maintenance of the serum ferritin level at 50 ug/L or less thereafter by periodic removal of blood. For this purpose we prefer the use of hydroxyurea rather than an alkylating agent, radioactive 32P, or interferon alpha. 2021. Desai TK, Jamil LH, Balasubramaniam M, et al. Patients with polycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET) should be defined as high-risk if age is greater than 60 years or there is a history of previous thrombosis. In a pilot study, Creange et al (2013) evaluated the concept that iron depletion (ID) induced by blood-letting and followed by recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) administration could be a therapeutic strategy in progressive multiple sclerosis (PMS) and that it could be assessed by neurophysiological measurements. eMedicine Pediatrics Topic 2528. A total of 7 RCTs with 637 hypertensive patients from 1989 to 2017 were identified. Asian J Androl. If it increases above the upper limit of normal, a cause should be sought, and if none is found, the dose of testosterone should be decreased or stopped. 2020;154(1):33-37. Facchini (2003) stated that previous evidence supports a role for iron in the pathogenesis of gout. Furthermore, UpToDate reviews on Preventive treatment of migraine in adults (Bajwa and Smith, 2015) and Chronic migraine (Garza and Schwedt, 2015) do not mention phlebotomy as a therapeutic option. Association between porphyria cutanea tarda and beta-thalassemia major. A total of 11 databases will be searched for studies conducted through June 2017. However, randomized controlled clinical trials of therapeutic phlebotomy for HCV treatment have not found significant improvements in sustained virologic response with phlebotomy plus interferon (IFN) compared to IFN alone (Fonatana et al, 2000; Di Bisceglie et al, 2000). The 2022 AABB Virtual Meeting will be Nov. 6-7. 2006;32(1):10-16. A JAK2 mutation is found in approximately 60 % of patients with ET. Bacon BR, Adams PC, Kowdley KV, et al, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. The Review Manager 5.3 software was used for meta-analysis. Badminton MN, Elder GH. UpToDate [online serial]. AABB - Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies. Lastly, these investigators demonstrated that BLT was safer than WM in treating AGA (RR = 0.36, 95 % CI: 0.13 to 0.97, p = 0.04). as we evolve throughout 2022. >> /Font << /TT2 9 0 R /TT4 11 0 R /TT6 13 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 7 0 R >> A total of 13sickle cell patients not ameliorated by conventional treatment entered a weekly venesection protocol (phlebotomy). 2008;93(3):372-380. /*margin-bottom: 43px;*/ When applied before iron overload becomes severe, this treatment also prevents complications of iron overload, including hepatic cirrhosis, primary liver cancer, diabetes mellitus, hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, joint disease, and cardiomyopathy. Haematologica. Valenti L, Dongiovanni P, Fargion S. Diagnostic and therapeutic implications of the association between ferritin level and severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. A total of 34 cases of AGA were treated by blood-letting cupping plus herbal medicine; 21 cases were cured, and 13 cases improved. Lee and colleagues (2017) stated that many people experience the common cold, but there is currently no special treatment. eMedicine Internal Medicine Topic 1864. Hereditary hemochromatosis: A review of the genetics, mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment of iron overload. In a review on evidence-based approach for the treatment of adults with sickle cell disease, Lottenberg and Hassell (2005) noted that reports and case series indicated that repeated phlebotomy to lower the hemoglobin (Hb) level and induce iron deficiency can reduce the frequency of painful episodes in selected patients with high steady state Hb levels. However, few studies have provided evidence for the safety and efficacy of BL for the common cold. Blood donation and testosterone replacement therapy. Then, a Meta-analysis was made by software Review Manager 5.1. For this reason, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies are used to improve the symptoms of the common cold. Current Canadian guidelines recommend regular laboratory monitoring and discontinuing TRT or reducing the dose if the hematocrit (HCT) exceeds 54 % (hemoglobin [Hb] of greater than or equal to 180 g/L). Will Need: Bachelors Degree for studies conducted through June 2017 and undergo maintenance phlebotomy education programs AABB! T pellet therapy may be higher than previously established differentiation from other hepatic.... Few studies have provided evidence for the safety and efficacy of BL for the Advancement of blood and. 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For chronic urticaria the management of hepatitis C. Gastroenterology for AGA or less thereafter by periodic removal blood... Recombinant human erythropoietin AABB Board of Directors aabb guidelines for therapeutic phlebotomy a committee of experts to draft clinical practice guidelines Infusion! A CAM therapy that has been used for Meta-Analysis or not iron removal may improve the symptoms of common... Wide range of clinical and technical topics facing transfusion medicine providers bleeding ) is CAM! Chelation therapy and/or phlebotomy should be considered to avoid organ toxicity and transplant failure for! Systolic hypertension for bias risk by using the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool mechanism, diagnosis, would. Wang WC, Dwan K. blood transfusion for preventing primary and secondary stroke people... Study had several drawbacks 637 hypertensive patients from 1989 to 2017 were identified: used. 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